Upload your radio recordings
to a computer
Connect SA065 to the computer (see
section Connect and charge in this user
2 On the computer, in Windows®
Explorer select SA065.
3 Select Recordings.
4 Copy and paste the recordings to any
location on the computer.
Delete recordings
Use a computer to delete recordings from
1 Connect SA065 to the computer (for
instructions see section Connect).
2 On the computer, in Windows®
Explorer select SA065.
3 Select Recordings.
4 Select the recordings you want to delete.
5 On the computer, press Delete.
The selected recordings are deleted. »
8 Recordings
Record from FM radio
From the main menu, select to enter
radio mode.
2 Select radio station (preset).
3 Tap to start recording.
Tap •
to pause recording.
Tap •
to resume recording.
4 Press to stop and save the recording.
Press •
to stop and delete the
The screen prompts you to conrm.•
5 Tap to select [Yes] / [No].
Saved recordings are stored with the »
following lename format: FM_XX_
XX_XX.##, where XX_XX_XX is the
recording date and ## is the recording
number that is generated automatically.
You can nd your recordings under main menu •
> Recordings.
Listen to FM recordings
From the main menu, tap to enter
folder view.
2 Select folder Recordings.
3 Select a recording.
4 Tap to play.
Tap •
to pause play.
Tap •
to resume play.
To exit and return to the main menu, •
press HOME or tap