2 EN
12 Settings 25
Play mode 25
Sound settings 25
SafeSound 25
Sleep timer 25
Display settings 25
Backlight timer 26
Screensaver 26
Slideshow settings 26
Language 26
PC connection preference 26
Information 26
Format device 27
Factory settings 27
CD installer 27
13 Sync with PC media library
through Philips Songbird 28
Install Philips Songbird 28
Collect media les from the PC 28
Set the watch folder 28
Import media les 29
Get contents from online sources 30
Search online 30
Create playlists in Philips Songbird 30
Create a playlist 30
Generate LikeMusic playlists 31
Save the play queue as a playlist 32
Manage media les in Philips Songbird 33
Edit metadata 33
Get album artwork 33
Remove media les from the library 34
Sync the player with Philips Songbird 34
Select auto or manual sync 34
Auto sync 35
Manual sync 35
Philips Songbird 36
15 Repair the player through Philips
Songbird 37
16 Technical data 38
System requirements 38
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