-- Vour TV can automatically set itself|
for local area (or Cable TV) chan- |
nels. This makes it easy for you to I
select only the TV stations in your 1
area when the CHANNEL (+), (-) but- |
tons are pressed, l
Note: Make sure the antenna or cable I
signal connection has been completed [
before AUTO PROGRAM is used. I O_OOK •
cc Gq:
<_ Press the MENU button on the ] ]SEIUO • I
remote to show the onscreen menu. • SmartLock[:r_MIEVV •
13_ Ira-,,,,, 30
'_ Press the CURSOR UP • or I _ --
DOWN • buttons to scroll through |
the onscreen menu until the word |
[SETUP is highlighted. I
Press the CURSOR RIGHT • I
button to display the SETUP menu [
[features' I I 0 @ @
Press CURSOR UP•or I I (_) (_) (_
DOWN • buttons to scroll the I _"_ _ _(_) (_ _
Setup features until the words AUTO I __
[PROGRAM are highlighted. I
i_ Press the CURSOB RIGH'I |
button to start the Auto Program 1
scanning of cha_s. I voLQ=_) ,_ _
,_ Press the CURSOR RIGHT •
@ Press CURSOR UP • or
'_ Press the CURSOR RIGHT 1_
Try it out. Press the CHAN-
g NEL (+), (-) buttons and see
which channels have been added to
the TV's memory.
If you want to delete any unwanted
channels from the TV's memory, see the
CHANNEL EDIT section on page 13.
The onscreen menu will time out and
disappear from the screen when you
finish, or you can press the STA-
TUS/EXIT button to clear the menu
from the screen.
IAUTOPROG _i.,.,.,. 33 I
Auto Program will scan for
all available channels within
the Amenna!Cable signal.
When finished, the TV will ]
go back to the SETUP menu.