28 Philips · PPF 675
Reducing Transmission
Reducing Transmission Speed
The device adapts the transmission speed to the line qual-
ity. This may take some time, especially for overseas con-
nections. Set a lower transmission speed if you are sending
faxes into networks with poor line quality.
1 Press OK, 38 and OK.
2 Use [ to set whether you would like to use a lower
transmission speed.
3 Confirm with OK.
Switching Page Adjustment
On and Off
Page Adjustment
In order that no information is lost, received faxes are
reduced in size when printed.
1 Press OK, 37 and OK.
2 Use [ to select whether you would like to switch size
reduction on or off.
3 Confirm with OK.
Setting the Ring Tones
Selecting the Ring Tone
Ring Tones
You can select from among ten different ring tones.
1 Press OK, 55 and OK.
2 Use the number keys 0 to 9 to select a ring tone.
Using [, set the volume.
3 Confirm with OK.
Adjusting Volume Level
Setting the Rin g Tone Volume
You can adjust the volume of the ring tone when the device
is ringing or when you set the ring tone. You can save dif-
ferent volumes for the
™ (day) and ˜ (night) modes, (also
see Chapter Fax Switch).
Setting the Volu me on the Device
Using [ you can set adjust the volume when the device
is ringing.
Setting the Fax Switch
Fax Switch
The built-in fax switch of your device distinguishes
between fax messages and telephone calls. Faxes are auto-
matically received, telephone calls can be received—even
on additionally connected devices. While the device is
checking the call, it continues to ring.
Day and Night Mode
You can set how often the device should ring before pick-
ing up separately for the modes
™ (day) and ˜ (night). This
makes it possible for you to receive faxes silently at night
without getting disturbed.
Press ¼/º/» to switch between day and night mode.
With the activated timer
›, the device switches between
the modes
™ (day) and ˜ (night) at the configured times.
Setting the Day Mode
1 Press OK, 51 and OK.
2 Using [ select the number of rings for the answering
machine. The answering machine responds after these
many number of rings.
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Use [ to select the number of rings for the fax switch.
After the number of rings, the fax switch switches on
and distinguishes between fax transmissions and tele-
phone calls. While the device is checking the call, it
continues to ring.
5 Confirm with OK.
6 Using [, set the volume.
7 Confirm with OK.
Silent Fax Transmission
Setting the Night Mode
1 Press OK, 52 and OK.
2 Configure the same settings as for the day mode (see
steps 2 to 7).
Setting the Timer
The timer switches between the modes ™ (day) and ˜
(night) at the configured times.
1 Press OK, 53 and OK.
2 Enter the time at which the device should switch to
(day) mode, for example 06 00 for 6 o'clock
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Enter the time at which the device should switch to
(day) mode, for example 22 00 for 2 o'clock
5 Confirm with OK.
Conserving Function of Fax Recep-
tion Mode
If you select the 5/2 option for the number
of rings of the answering machine, the
answering machine switches on after two
rings, when you have received new messages.
If there are no new messages, the device rings
five times. If the device does not pick up after
two rings, you have no new messages. You
can terminate the remote access without
incurring any telephone costs.
Silent Fax Transmission
Older devices do not transmit any fax-tone (=
CNG tone) as an announcement for fax trans-
mission (= silent fax transmission). If the total
number of rings has been set to a value using
silent fax transmissions cannot be received auto-