Philips Semiconductors
Hi-Speed USB hub controller
Product data Rev. 03 — 24 November 2004 6 of 51
9397 750 13701
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
RREF 7 AI reference resistor connection; connect this pin through a
resistor of 12 kΩ±1 % to an analog band gap ground
TEST_HIGH 8 - test pin; connect to 3.3 V
9 - analog supply voltage 1 (3.3 V)
GND 10 - ground supply
11 - crystal and PLL supply voltage 4 (3.3 V)
TEST_HIGH 12 - test pin; connect to 3.3 V
13 - transceiver supply voltage 2 (3.3 V)
GND 14 - ground supply
DM1 15 AI/O downstream facing port 1 D− connection (analog)
DP1 16 AI/O downstream facing port 1 D+ connection (analog)
TEST_LOW 17 - connect to GND
TEST_HIGH 18 - connect to 5.0 V through a 10 kΩ resistor
OC1_N 19 AI/I overcurrent sense input for downstream facing port 1
PSW1_N 20 I/O output — power switch control output (open-drain) with an
internal pull-up resistor for downstream facing port 1
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 5
GND 21 - ground supply
GND 22 - ground supply
23 - digital supply voltage 3 (3.3 V)
24 - reference voltage (5 V ± 5 %); used to power internal pull-up
resistors of PSWn_N pins and also for the analog
overcurrent detection
OC4_N 25 AI/I overcurrent sense input for downstream facing port 4
PSW4_N 26 I/O output — power switch control output (open-drain) with an
internal pull-up resistor for downstream facing port 4
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 5
OC3_N 27 AI/I overcurrent sense input for downstream facing port 3
PSW3_N 28 I/O output — power switch control output (open-drain) with an
internal pull-up resistor for downstream facing port 3
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 5
OC2_N 29 AI/I overcurrent sense input for downstream facing port 2
PSW2_N 30 I/O output — power switch control output (open-drain) with an
internal pull-up resistor for downstream facing port 2
input — function of the pin when used as an input is given in
Table 5
Table 2: Pin description
Pin Type Description