
Multichannel: DVDs are formatted to have each
sound track constitute one sound  eld.
Multichannel refers to a structure of sound tracks
having three or more channels.
Parental control: Limits disc play according to
the age of the users or the limitation level in each
country. The limitation varies from disc to disc;
when it is activated, playback will be prohibited if
the software’s level is higher than the user-set
Playback control (PBC): Refers to the signal
recorded on video CDs or SVCDs for controlling
playback. By using menu screens recorded on a
Video CD or SVCD that supports PBC, you can
enjoy interactive playback and searching.
Progressive Scan: It displays all the horizontal
lines of a picture at one time, as a signal frame.
This system can convert the interlaced video from
DVD into progressive format for connection to a
progressive display. It dramatically increases the
vertical resolution.
Region code: A system allowing discs to be
played only in the region designated. This unit will
only play discs that have compatible region codes.
You can  nd the region code of your unit by
looking on the product label. Some discs are
compatible with more than one region (or ALL
Super Audio CD (SACD): This audio format is
based upon the current CD standards but includes
a greater amount of information that provides
higher quality sound. There are three types of
discs: single layer, double layer and hybrid discs.
The hybrid disc contains both standard audio CD
and Super Audio CD information.
Surround: A system for creating realistic three
dimensional sound  elds full of realism by
arranging multiple speakers around the listener.
Title: The longest section of a movie or music
feature on DVD. Each title is assigned a title
number, enabling you to locate the title you want.
VIDEO OUT socket: Yellow socket on the back
of the DVD system that sends the DVD picture
video to a TV.
WMA : WMA is short for Windows Media Audio
and refers to an audio compression technology
developed by Microsoft Corporation. WMA data
can be encoded by using Windows Media Player
version 9 or Windows Media Player for Windows
XP. Files are recognised by their  le extension”.
wma” or “.WMA”.