The Player lets you adjust the speaker settings, volume balance, and delay time
for your audio system. You only need to adjust the speaker settings if you used
the Player’s MULTICHANNEL AUDIO OUT jacks to connect the Player to a
six-channel Receiver (Dolby Digital or DTS) as shown on page 14.
Press SYSTEM MENU, then press ; to select
Press 9 repeatedly to select q , then press :.
Press 9 repeatedly to select Speakers, then press :.
Press 8 or 9 to select the speaker you want to adjust, then press :.
You can select Front L & R (left and right), Center, Surround L (left), Surround
R (right), or Sub Woofer. The speaker you selected will be highlighted in the
illustration at the right of the screen.
Press : or ; to select B, , or X. Then, press 8 or 9 to adjust
the chosen setting. When you are finished, press OK to go back and
select a different speaker. Repeat steps 4-5 until you are satisfied with all
the speaker settings.
● Choose B to increase or decrease the volume of the speaker.
● Choose to adjust the frequency capabilities of your speakers.
Select L (large) if the chosen speaker can handle low frequency signals
below 120 Hz. Select S (small) if the speaker can not reproduce low fre-
quency signals below 120 Hz. Select c (off) if you did not connect that
speaker. Your choice will appear below the bar at the bottom of the
screen. See your speakers’ literature for details on speaker capability.
● Choose X to adjust the speaker delay time. You can adjust the delay time
for only the Center and Surround speakers.
If the surround speakers are about 150 centimeters nearer to the listening
position than the front speakers, and the center speaker aligns with the
front speakers, no adjustment is needed.
If your speaker setup is different, adjust the delay times. First, measure the
distance, in centimeters, from the front speaker to the listening position
and from the surround speaker to the listening position. Subtract the sur-
round distance from the front distance, then divide by 30. The result is the
Surround speaker delay time in milliseconds.
You may choose 0 ms, 5 ms, 10 ms, or 15 ms in the X column for
Surround L and Surround R. Press 8 or 9 to choose the delay time in the
X column for Surround L and Surround R that is closest to the delay time
you calculated in milliseconds (ms).
Or, if the Center speaker is closest to the listening position, measure the
distance (in centimeters) between the Front and Center speakers, then
divide by 30. The result is the required Center speaker delay time in mil-
liseconds. Press 8 or 9 to select this delay time in milliseconds (ms) in the
X column for Center. You may choose 1-5 ms.
Press SYSTEM MENU to remove the menus.
• The Player automatically sets the
speakers if you set Analog out-
put to Dolby Surround. Details
are on page 45.
• For the Subwoofer, you cannot
adjust the frequency capabilities.
Simply choose n (On) or c
(Off) to identify whether you
connected a subwoofer (n) or
not (c).
• Your audio system may refer to
the Surround speakers as the
rear speakers.
Helpful Hints