Connect the supplied yellow video cable to the Player’s yel-
low VIDEO jack and to the corresponding VIDEO IN jack
on your TV.
Connect the Player’s CENTER jack to the Receiver’s CEN-
TER IN jack.
Connect the Player’s SUBW. (subwoofer) jack to the
Receiver’s SUBWOOFER IN jack (or directly to the
Subwoofer if possible).
Connect the Player’s FR (front right, red) and FL (front left,
white) jacks to the Receiver’s right and left FRONT AUDIO
IN jacks. You may use the supplied red and white audio cables.
Connect the Player’s SR (surround right) and SL (surround
left) jacks to the right/left SURROUND IN jacks on your
Receiver. Your Receiver may refer to Surround as Rear. These are
the same.
Connect the supplied power adaptor to the 12V jack on the
rear of the Player.
Connect the power plugs of the Player’s adaptor, the TV,
the Receiver, and its Speakers to a power outlet.
or DVD
to turn on the Player.
Turn on the TV and set it to the correct Video In channel.
Refer to your TV manual. Or, change TV channels until you see the
Player’s blue background screen on the TV.
Turn on your Receiver and set it to the correct Audio In
channel or sound source. Refer to the Receiver’s manual.
Set TV TYPE accordingly. Details are on page 33.
Set AUDIO OUT accordingly. Details are on page 36.
• Cables for the connections to
the Receiver are not supplied
with the Player.
• You may use S-Video or
Component Video connections
instead for higher picture quali-
ty. These options must be avail-
able on your TV. Details are on
pages 10-11.
• Connect the speakers to the
Receiver as instructed by the
Receiver’s owner’s manual.
Helpful Hints