Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does the "Designed for Windows" logo signify?
The "Designed for Windows" logo means your Philips monitor fulfills the requirements and
recommendations of the PC9x (97, 98, or 99) System Design Guide and passes stringent WHQL
2. What models are Mac compatible?
ll listed Philips monitors are Mac compatible. BUT, you may need an adapter to connect the
monitor to your Mac system. Please contact your dealer/reseller for details.
3. What is TCO?
TCO is a Swedish abbreviation for the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees.
4. What is MPR?
MPR is a Swedish abbreviation for the Swedish National Board of Measurement and Testing.
5. What are the differences between MPRII, TCO92, TCO95, TCO99 and TCO'03?
In the general hierarchy of standards, TCO'03/TCO99 is the highest level of certification. Next is
TCO95, which is "better" than TCO92, which, in turn, is better than MPRII. Below, we compare the
standards in each category.
-TCO 92 Phase out: June 30, 2000
-TCO 95 Will be end December 31, 2003
MPRII: Set low emission rules for visual displays.
TCO92: Imposed more stringent standards than MPRII.
TCO95: Further toughened TCO92 rules.
TCO99: Delineated even more severe standards and test procedures than TCO95.
TCO'03: Same as TCO99 standard + Testing uncertainty.
MPRII: No requirement.
TCO92/95/99/03: All set requirements.
Energy Saving:
MPRII: No requirement.
TCO92: Standby mode < 30W, Off mode < 8W