EN 26
Manage recordings
To manage your recordings, view the list of
complete and scheduled recordings.
1. Press , then select [Programme guide] >
[{0} Recordings], then press OK.
A list of recordings is displayed.
Note: In [{0} Recordings], the number in
brackets shows the number of complete
recordings. If you see [TV Recording]
instead, no recordings are complete.
From this list, you can:
Select a recording to watch
Delete a recording
Schedule a timed recording
Cancel a scheduled recording
Check the remaining hard disk space
Cancel a scheduled recording
1. Select the recording, then press
2. Select [Cancel recording] and press OK.
Delete a recording
1. Select the recording, then press
2. Select [Delete recording], then press OK.
Failed recordings
If a scheduled recording is prevented by the
broadcaster or if the recording does not
occur as per schedule, it is marked as
[Failed] in the recordings list.
Play games
Add a game console
You can play games projected on your TV.
Before you start, connect your game console
to this TV. Read Connect your TV >
Connect devices > Game console (Page
For easy access, add the game console to
the Home menu.
1. Press .
2. Select [Add your devices] > [Game
console], then press OK.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to add
the game console.
Game setting
You can optimise the TV display for gaming
without picture lag with the [Game] option
in the [Smart picture] settings.
If you add the game console to the
Home menu as [Game console], the
TV switches to the game setting
If your game console is automatically
added to the Home menu as a Blu-ray
disc player or DVD player, set the
[Smart picture] setting to [Game]
before you start playing.
Switch to Game setting
1. Press ADJUST.
2. Select [Smart picture] > [Game], then
press OK. The TV is ready for gaming.
Note: When your gaming session ends,
switch back to your usual [Smart picture]