Philips Spot-On
Ordering Data
Product Unit Order
Number Description Color Qty. Footnote
21294-4 SpotOn White 10/1 White N/A 1
21698-6 SpotOn WhiteTP 6/1 White N/A 2
21260-6 SpotOn OrangeTP 6/1 Orange 486 3
21661-4 SpotOn PurpleTP 6/1 Purple 486 3
21663-0 SpotOn BlueTP 6/1 Blue 486 3
21664-8 SpotOn GoldTP 6/1 Gold 486 3
21665-5 SpotOn SilverTP 6/1 Silver 486 3
1) 21294-4 is only available while inventory lasts.
2) 21698-6 (available after Sep 2008) will replace 21294-4 when inventory is depleted.
3) SpotOn Colors are available with minimum order quantities of 486 (
⁄2 pallet). Requires committed forecast and extra lead time.
Call your Philips account representative for more details.
Above specifications are subject to change without notice.
Shipping Data
Outer Case Case SKUs
Product SKU UPC Bar Code Case Weight Cube Pallet Per Layers SKU Dimensions Case Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Number (0-46677) (5-00-46677) Qty. (lbs.) (cu. ft.) Qty. Layer High (W x D x H)(In.) (L xW x H)(In.) (L xW x H)(In.)
21294-4 21294-0 21294-5 10 2.500 0.330 1260 210 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 12.25 x 6.59 x 7.06 46.81 x 36.75 x 42.37
21698-6 21294-0 21698-1 6 1.650 0.235 972 162 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 8.75 x 6.75 x 6.88 46.50 x 35.00 x 41.25
21260-6 21660-3 21660-8 6 1.650 0.235 972 162 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 8.75 x 6.75 x 6.88 46.50 x 35.00 x 41.25
21661-4 21661-0 21661-5 6 1.650 0.235 972 162 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 8.75 x 6.75 x 6.88 46.50 x 35.00 x 41.25
21663-0 21663-4 21663-9 6 1.650 0.235 972 162 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 8.75 x 6.75 x 6.88 46.50 x 35.00 x 41.25
21664-8 21664-1 21664-6 6 1.650 0.235 972 162 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 8.75 x 6.75 x 6.88 46.50 x 35.00 x 41.25
21665-5 21665-8 21665-3 6 1.650 0.235 972 162 6 5.92 x 1.13 x 5.92 8.75 x 6.75 x 6.88 46.50 x 35.00 x 41.25
© 2008 Philips Lighting Company.All rights reserved.
Printed in USA 06/08
Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive
P.O.Box 6800
Somerset,NJ 08875-6800
A Division of Philips Electronics NorthAmerica Corporation
Philips Lighting
281 Hillmount Road
Canada L6C 2S3
A Division of Philips Electronics Ltd.
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