Philips Halogen PAR20 Electronic Lamps
Ordering, Electrical and Technical Data
Product Ordering Pack. Bulb Avg.Life Approx. CCT MOL
Number Code Watts Volts Qty. Description Type Base (Hrs.)
CRI (K) (In.)
15216-5 PAR20E/FL25 20 120 12 Flood 25˚ PAR20 Medium 5000 1200 100 2900 3
40494-7 PAR20E/SP10 20 120 12 Spot 10˚ PAR20 Medium 5000 6500 100 2900 3
© 2008 Philips Lighting Company.All rights reserved.
Printed in USA 11/08
Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive
P.O. Box 6800
Somerset,NJ 08875-6800
A Division of Philips Electronics NorthAmerica Corporation
Philips Lighting
281 Hillmount Road
Canada L6C 2S3
A Division of Philips Electronics Ltd.
Printed on chlorine free paper from Sappi Fine Paper mills,who are accredited with EMAS environmental certification.
Sappi claims that the pulp used in the manufacture of Magno Dull paper is derived from environmentally certified forests.
Shipping Data
Outer Case Case SKUs
Product SKU UPC Bar Code Case Weight Cube Pallet Per Layers SKU Dimensions Case Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Number (0-46677) (5-00-46677) Qty. (lbs.) (cu. ft.) Qty. Layer High (W x D x H)(In.) (W x D x H)(In.) (W x D x H)(In.)
15216-5 15216-1 15216-6 12 4.1 0.32 1080 180 10 2.36 x 2.36 x 3.74 9.84 x 12.44 x 4.57 47.17 x 39.37 x 33.31
40494-7 40494-9 40494-4 12 4.1 0.32 1080 180 10 2.36 x 2.36 x 3.74 9.84 x 12.44 x 4.57 47.17 x 39.37 x 33.31
This energy saving example shows an application of
100 lamps in a space currently using standard 50W
PAR20 lamps, operating 3,000 hours per year at a cost
of $.10 per kWh.
As you can see, replacing 100 standard halogen 50W PAR
20 lamps with the Philips halogen PAR20 electronic lamps
(with similar candlepower) can provide significant energy
cost savings of possibly $900 per year! Potential savings
from the reduction in HVAC costs as a result of using a
lower wattage lamp that emits less heat is an additional
benefit that was not included in this example.
up to
Standard Halogen
Halogen PAR20 Electronic
PAR20 Electronic
Energy Savings
Energy Savings
in dollars
*Savings based on $.10 kWh at 3000 operating hours annually compared to lamps with similar light output.
Estimated Lighting Costs Using a Standard 50W Halogen PAR20
PresentWattage 50W
x Annual operating hours 3,000
= 150,000 watts per year
÷ 1,000 = 150 kWh per year
x kWh rate of $.10 = $15 per year
x 100 lamps per space = $1,500
annual energy cost per space
Lighting Costs Using the Philips 20W Halogen PAR20 Electronic
Wattage 20W
x Annual operating hours 3,000
= 60,000 watts per year
÷ 1,000 = 60 kWh per year
x kWh rate of $.10 = $6 per year
x 100 lamps per space = $600
annual energy cost per space
Total EstimatedAnnual Savings = $900
Based on 100 lamps per space operating 3,000 hours per year
Upgrade your lighting using the PAR20 Electronic
Energy saving example
1) Rated average life is the length of operation (in hours) at which point an average of 50% of the lamps will
still be operational and 50% will not.
2) Maximum Beam Candlepower
To avoid deterioration of lampholder by heat, use only heat resistant lampholders or fixtures listed by a
nationally recognized electrical testing organization for use with reflector or PAR lamps.
NOTICE:Before using bulb,see operating instructions on inside flap.Adherence to the operating instructions
will reduce the risk of personal injury or fire.
CAUTION: The filament capsule contained inside this glass bulb is pressurized,operates at high temperature
and could unexpectedly shatter.Should the outer bulb break,particles of extremely hot glass could be discharged
into the fixture and/or the surrounding environment,thereby creating a risk of personal injury or fire.
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS:Before replacing, turn off power and let lamp cool to avoid electrical
shock or burn.
— For indoor or outdoor use. A weather-protected fixture is recommended for wet locations.
— Suitable for use in open fixtures.
— Do not exceed the maximum wattage rating of the fixture.
— Do not use if outer glass is scratched or broken since it may break during operation or removal.
— If outer glass breaks the lamp may continue to light, however,immediately discontinue use.
— Due to the heat that radiates from the bulb,do not use in close proximity to combustible materials
or objects susceptible to drying or fading.
— Manage in accord with disposal laws.
— MAXIMUMALLOWABLETEMPERATURE: To prevent over heating of the electronic circuit inside,
the case temperature,T
must not exceed 100˚C.
Above specifications subject to change without notice.
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