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Andante is both the leading classical music Web site and a new record label aimed at
preserving the world's classical music heritage. A truly on-demand music service,
Andante gives you access to music by genre, artist and song. To set up Andante
music services:
1 First, you need to set up an Andante account. To do this, go to
http://www.andante.com and click on Members Login to create a
new user account (requires a credit card).
2 Follow the instructions to make your music selections. Click Help
for the Andante Quick Startup Guide.
3 In the Music section of My.Philips, click the Enable button for Andante.
Your Andante music selections will now appear on your TV’s Streamium
menu when you press Internet on the remote control and select Music.
Don't Dream it.
Stream it.
SL300i, SL400i and MX6000i
Using Internet Services
LAUNCH Music on Yahoo! is included at no cost for registered Streamium users.
LAUNCH provides commercial-free music stations encoded in mp3PRO format so you
get quality sound on your home entertainment system.
LAUNCH Music on Yahoo! is automatically enabled on your Streamium. To use it:
1 Use your Streamium remote control’s arrow buttons to scroll and select Music,
then Launchcast@Yahoo.
2 Choose a music category from the selections on the right side of the screen.
You can see artist and song information using the remote control’s red button,
and set visual effects using the yellow button.
3 To disable LAUNCH, just click the Disable button on that service in My.Philips.com.
Streamium products enable access to over 10,000 music channels... anything you could possibly want. To select
your music services, just click the Music tab and the check the boxes for the services you want to make available.
Below are instrucions for setting up these music services:
Andante MusicMatch
LAUNCH Music on Yahoo! Playhouse Radio
Live365.com Radio-Free Virgin
My Streams
By pressing INFO! on your remote control while music is playing, you can access detailed information about the
music you’re listening to. Streamium will send you an email with all the details about the album and artist. You
can also click INFO! in My.Philips.com to see details about your selections.
Skip to the next
song using the
>> button
Skip to the next
song using the
>> button
The MX6000i remote
SL300i/SL400i remote