The Mini 300 is cost competitive and highly economical
to run – so why not use its superb daylight quality to
brighten up your approach areas and parking lots?
The whole petrol station experience becomes brighter,
cleaner and more enjoyable. And from a distance, the
petrol station becomes a crystal clear landmark.
Improved safety
And it’s not just your corporate image you’ll be
improving. Because, by providing the same type of
light at the approach and departure areas as used
in the forecourt you also improve the visibility and
safety of your customers. Especially when your
lighting schemes gradually adapt the driver’s eye,
helping the driver to adjust from the ‘yellow’ road
lighting. On average lighting levels should be
approximately 10 to 12% of those used in the
forecourt, but depending on a variety of
parameters Philips can advise on the exact levels
to optimise driver comfort and safety.
More inviting, especially for women
Market research shows that up to 95% of all
women feel anxious at nighttime petrol stations,
perceiving them to be dark intimidating places. But
with better, more natural lighting such feelings are
substantially reduced, creating greater customer
loyalty from everyone.
area lighting
brighten-up your approach areas
and extend your corporate image with