
European Union Compliance Statements
We, Philips, declare that the product, Entertainment PC, is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/ 5/ EC (Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment).The product is proper-
ly CE labeled demonstrating this conformity and is for distribution within all member states of the EU with restrictions as
noted above.
Product Ecology Statements
The following information is provided to address worldwide product ecology concerns and regulations.
Disposal Considerations
This product contains the following materials that may be regulated upon disposal: lead solder on printed wiring board
Recycling Considerations
We encourage our customers to recycle their products and components (e. g., batteries, circuit boards, plastic enclosures,
etc.) whenever possible.
In the absence of a viable recycling option, products and their components must be disposed of in accordance with all appli-
cable local environmental regulations.
Safety Information: Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (‘EMF’)
1 Philips Royal Electronics manufactures and sells many products targeted at consumers, which, like any electronic appara-
tus, in general have the ability to emit and receive electro magnetic signals.
2 One of Philips’ leading Business Principles is to take all necessary health and safety measures for our products, to com-
ply with all applicable legal requirements and to stay well within the EMF standards applicable at the time of producing
the products.
3 Philips is committed to develop, produce and market products that cause no adverse health effects.
4 Philips confirms that, if its products are handled properly for their intended use, they are safe to use according to scien-
tific evidence available today.
5 Philips plays an active role in the development of international EMF and safety standards, enabling Philips to anticipate
further developments in standardization for early integration in its products.