File name in Unicode UTF8 (maximum length: 128 bytes) •
Unsupported formats:
Empty albums: an empty album is an album that does not
contain MP3/WMA fi les, and is not be shown in the display.
Unsupported fi le formats are skipped. For example, Word
documents (.doc) or MP3 fi les with extension .dlf are ignored
and not played.
AAC, WAV, PCM audio fi les
DRM protected WMA fi les (.wav, .m4a, .m4p, .mp4, .aac)•
WMA fi les in Lossless format•
Supported MP3 disc formats
ISO9660, Joliet•
Maximum title number: 512 (depending on fi le name length)•
Maximum album number: 255•
Supported sampling frequencies: 32 kHz, 44.1kHz, 48 kHz•
Supported Bit-rates: 32~256 (kbps), variable bit rates•
11 Troubleshooting
Never remove the casing of this Micro Hi-Fi. •
To keep the warranty valid, never try to repair the system yourself.
If you encounter problems when using this Micro Hi-Fi, check the
following points before requesting service. If the problem remains
unsolved, go to the Philips web site (www.Philips.com/support). When
you contact Philips, ensure that your Micro Hi-Fi is nearby and the
model number and serial number are available .