About Music Management
Question Answer
Is Philips Wireless Micro Hi-Fi
System upgradeable?
Yes, Philips Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System are software
upgradeable, which means that they are ready for future
functional upgrades if available. Check our website regularly
for the latest news on new features and improvements at
About Connections
Question Answer
I have followed all the steps in
the user manual to connect
the Wireless Micro Hi-Fi
System to the home network,
but the system is still not
connected, what can I do?
On the Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System, press MENU, then
select [Information] > [Wireless] > [Wireless mode].
Check that the Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System has been
changed from Ad hoc mode to Infrastructure mode. Also
check that the SSID, IP address, WEP key, or WPA key
matches the setup of your wireless home network.
Try to change the SSID on your router to a more unique
name to ensure that it is different from the SSID that your
neighbors use for their router.
The Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System supports wireless and
wired connection at the same time. There is a chance that
your wireless IP address and your wired IP address are on
the same subnet. This will confuse the device. Consider
changing the DHCP range of your wireless router so that
the wireless IP received by the device is on a different
subnet from its wired IP address.
Try to change the channel of your home network settings
on the router.
On your router, consider using a WPA key instead of a
WEP key. When you use a WEP as your encryption key, set
all 4 keys to be the same.
Ensure that the turbo mode of your wireless router is
switched off, if your router has this function.
Need help?
User Manual
See the user manual that came with your player.
Go to www.philips.com/welcome
mci300_qsg_01eng.indd 9 02-06-08 18:30:31