10 Philips DuraMax
Long Life Light Bulbs
Philips DuraMax
Sparkling Clear
1) Based on an average of hours usage per day/7 days per week. Hours differ between products, and there are exceptions. See individual products for details.
2) Rated average life is the length of operation (in hours) at which point an average of 50% of the lamps will still be operational and 50% will not.
Ordering and Shipping Data
(Subject to change without notice)
Philips Case SKU Case Case Case SKUs No. Case Pallet
Product Product UPC Code Bar Code Case Dimensions Dimensions Cube Weight per of per Dimensions
Number Description (0 46677-) (5 00 46677-) Qty. (W x D x H)(In.) (W x D x H)(In.) (cu.ft.) (lbs.)
Layers Pallet (W x D x H)(In.)
16934-2 BC40A15/FAN/CL/LL 169251 169348 6 2.00 x 5.38 x 7.00 6.75 x 11.13 x 7.75 0.34 1.00 864 6 144 40.50 x 44.52 x 46.50
16935-9 BC40A15/FAN/W/LL 169268 169355 6 2.00 x 5.38 x 7.00 6.75 x 11.13 x 7.75 0.34 1.00 864 6 144 40.50 x 44.52 x 46.50
13743-0 BC40B13/FAN/CL/LL 137434 137439 6 0.88 x 4.00 x 7.00 4.50 x 10.69 x 7.25 0.20 1.00 1152 6 192 36.00 x 42.76 x 43.50
13744-8 BC40B13/FAN/W/LL 137441 137446 6 0.88 x 4.00 x 7.00 4.50 x 10.69 x 7.25 0.20 1.00 1152 6 192 36.00 x 42.76 x 43.50
16946-6 BC60A15/FANCL/LL 169466 169461 6 2.00 x 5.38 x 7.00 6.75 x 11.13 x 7.75 0.34 1.00 864 6 144 40.50 x 44.52 x 46.50
16945-8 BC60A15/FAN/W/LL 169459 169454 6 2.00 x 5.38 x 7.00 6.75 x 11.13 x 7.75 0.34 1.00 864 6 144 40.50 x 44.52 x 46.50
14533-4 CS-BC60A15/FANW/LL 169459 145335 12 2.00 x 5.38 x 7.00 7.81 x 29.38 x 5.94 0.79 2.95 672 8 56 37.19 x 46.88 x 47.51
14532-6 CS-BC60A15/FANCL/LL 169466 145328 12 2.00 x 5.38 x 7.00 7.81 x 29.38 x 5.94 0.79 2.95 672 8 56 37.19 x 46.88 x 47.50
13746-3 60A15/FAN/CL/LL 137465 137460 72 2.00 x 9.85 x 6.58 22.25 x 27.00 x 21.63 7.52 31.00 288 2427.00 x 44.50 x 43.26
13745-5 60A15/FAN/W/LL/LL 137458 137453 72 2.00 x 9.85 x 6.58 22.25 x 27.00 x 21.63 7.52 31.00 288 2427.00 x 44.50 x 43.26
Philips Rated
Product Product Bulb Nominal Bulb Base Avg Life M.O.L Operating
Number Description Finish Watts Type Type Volts Lumens (Hrs.)
(In.) Position
16934-2 BC40A15/FAN/CL/LL 6/2 Clear 40 A-15 Med. 120 395 2000 3
⁄2 Any
16935-9 BC-40A15/FAN/W/LL 120V 6/2 White 40 A-15 Med. 120 365 2000 3
⁄2 Any
13743-0 BC40B13/FAN/CL/LL 120V 6/2TP Clear 40 B-13 Med. 120 300 2000 3
⁄8 Any
13744-8 BC40B13/FAN/W/LL 120V 6/2TP White 40 B-13 Med. 120 245 2000 3
⁄8 Any
16946-6 BC60A15/FAN/CL/LL 6/2 Clear 60 A-15 Med. 120 630 2000 3
⁄2 Any
16945-8 BC-60A15/FAN/W/LL 6/2 White 60 A-15 Med. 120 570 2000 3
⁄2 Any
14533-4 CS-BC60A15/FANW/LL 120V 12/2 White 60 A-15 Med. 120 570 2000 3
⁄2 Any
14532-6 CS-BC60A15/FANCL/LL 120V 12/2 Clear 60 A-15 Med. 120 630 2000 3
⁄2 Any
13746-3 BC60A15/FAN/CL/LL 120V 72/4TP Clear 60 A-15 Med. 120 630 2000 3
⁄2 Any
13745-5 BC60A15/FAN/W/LL 120V 72/4TP White 60 A-15 Med. 120 570 2000 3
⁄2 Any
Fan Lights
• Lasts at Least One and a Half Years!
• Adds a Decorative Touch to Ceiling Fan Fixtures
Clear fan light bulbs add decorative sparkle, while
white light bulbs provide a soft white glow
• Full Family of Products Available in clear
or white in a variety of wattages
Electrical and Technical Data (
Subject to change without notice)
Philips DuraMax
Sparkling Clear