22 User manual
4.6 Using the Initial Setup Installer to install a LAN Docking Station
The Initial Setup Installer oers a comprehensive and easy to use interface to initally configure
the settings of a LAN Docking Station. Follow the steps below to install a LAN Docking Station.
Connect the LAN Docking Station to the PC that is running the Administration Tool, or to
your LAN, via a crossed LAN cable.
Open the Initial Setup Installer by clicking on the tool bar button.
Specify the current IP address of the LAN Docking Station in the CURRENT IP ADDRESS field.
You can assign a static IP address to the LAN Docking Station or have it use the DHCP
service on your network to obtain an IP address automatically in the IP settings panel of the
Initial Setup Installer dialog
Assigning an IP address via DHCP: To have the LAN Docking Station obtain an IP
address automatically from the DHCP server on your network, check the OBTAIN AN IP
ADDRESS AUTOMATICALLY (DHCP) radio button. See Assigning an IP address from DHCP
on page 13 for further information.
Assigning a static IP address: To assign a static IP address to the LAN Docking Station,
check the USE THE FOLLOWING IP SETTINGS radio button and enter the IP address
settings, including the IP address, the subnet mask, the gateway address, and the Domain
Name Server addresses.
Enter the hostname and port of the server, as well as the username, the password and the path
on the server. If the FTP server can accept secure connections, you may use this feature by
checking the SFTP radio button. For further information, refer to FTP settings on page 11. For
information on setting up the FTP server, refer to chapter Setting up the FTP server on page 9.
The automatic file upload settings let you configure which dictation files are automatically
uploaded to the FTP server when a Digital Pocket Memo is connected to the LAN Docking
Station. For further information, refer to Automatic file upload on page 12.
Enter an administration password for the LAN Docking Station.
You may enter any commentary data about the LAN Docking Station in the comments panel.
For further information, see Assigning a comment to the LAN Docking Station on page 16.
Press the CONFIGURE button at the bottom of the Initial Setup Installer panel to submit the
settings to the LAN Docking Station.