Philips indoor luminaires 2.95
Indolight FBS330 recessed luminaire
with PL-L or PL-S compact uorescent
lamps and OLC high-gloss high-quality
aluminum optic with 3D lamellae (C6)
or high-reectance 3D lamellae (C6-H)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
FBS330 2xPL-L18W/840 C6 PI IP 1.25 700380 00
FBS330 2xPL-L18W/840 HFM C6 PI IP SC 1.25 704029 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight FBS330
Recessed luminaires
Recessed luminaires
Indolight FBS330 recessed luminaire
with PL-L or PL-S compact uorescent
lamps and OLC semi-high-gloss
high-quality aluminum optic with 3D
lamellae (D6)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
FBS330 2xPL-L18W/840 D6 PI IP 1.25 700397 00
FBS330 2xPL-L18W/840 HFM D6 PI IP SC 1.25 704036 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight FBS330 recessed luminaire
with PL-L or PL-S compact uorescent
lamps and OLC matt high-quality
aluminum optic with 3D lamellae (M6)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
FBS330 2xPL-L18W/840 M6 PI IP 1.15 700403 00
FBS330 2xPL-L18W/840 HFM M6 PI IP SC 1.25 704043 00
FBS330 2xPL-S/4P11W/840 HFM M6 PI IP 1.25 700373 00
FBS330 2xPL-S/4P11W/840 HFM M6 PI IP SC 1.25 704012 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight FBS330 recessed luminaire
with PL-L or PL-S compact uorescent
lamps and OLC high-gloss high-quality
aluminum optic with 3D lamellae (C6)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
FBS330 2xPL-L40W/840 HFP C6 PI IP FL 5.00 700472 00
FBS330 2xPL-L55W/840 HFP C6 PI IP FL 5.70 700502 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight FBS330 recessed luminaire
with PL-L or PL-S compact uorescent
lamps and OLC semi-high-gloss
high-quality aluminum optic with 3D
lamellae (D6)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
FBS330 2xPL-L40W/840 HFP D6 PI IP FL 5.70 700489 00
FBS330 2xPL-L55W/840 HFP D6 PI IP FL 4.50 700519 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
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