4 Click [Save].
A station is manually added the below »
the edit boxes.
To edit an added station
As shown, click the station. •
The text boxes are lled, showing »
the information about the station.
Click on the text boxes to edit the •
Stream from online music
On MCi900, you can enjoy the online music
With the online music services, you can access
their online music libraries.
Create a user account to use the services.
To access some features, you may need to
subscribe services.
In the list of favorite stations, to put a favorite •
station ahead of the rst one, make the station
just behind the rst one; drag and drop the
rst station downward.
To put a station behind the last one, make the
station just ahead of the last one; drag and
drop the last station upward.
Manually add stations online
Manually add stations
Through Club Philips, you can manually
add Internet radio stations to MCi900 on a
1 On a computer, log in to Club Philips
(see ‘Register MCi900 with Philips’ on
page 62).
2 To add a station, click [Streamium
management] > [My media] > [Music].
3 In [Music], enter station information in
the text boxes:
In [URL], ll in the web site of the •
In [Nickname], ll in a name that •
appears as station name in [My
In [Description], ll in one-word •
description about the station, e.g.
music, sports, new.
The description is used as a category
to sort stations under [My media].