Steam Ironing
Bell Vent Pattern on soleplate steams and presses twice in one
a c t i o n .
M a k e sure that there is enough water in the remov a b le water reservo i r.
1 Set the Temperature Control to the recommended position.
See section 'Setting the temperature.'
2 Set the Steam Control to the appropriate steam position.
- 1-2 for moderate steam (temperature settings to )
- 3-4 for maximum steam (temperature settings to MAX)
Steaming will start as soon as the set temperature has been reached.
Other features
To remove stubborn creases at any temperature, make sure that
there is enough water in the removable water reservoir.
1 Press the spray button a couple of times to moisten the fabric.
Drip Stop System
The Drip Stop System continuously monitors soleplate temperature
and automatically shuts off water supply if iron is too cool to steam.
Drip Stop System virtually eliminates water dripping from soleplate and
onto your fabric.
IMPORTANT:The iron will automatically stop steaming at insufficient
temperatures.This is due to the Drip Stop System’s valve closing when
the temperature of the soleplate is too cool to produce steam.
3 Press and hold the removable water reservoir release buttons
and remove the removable water reservoir.
4 Open the filling cap.
5 Pour tap water into the removable water reservoir up to the
maximum level.
Do not fill the reservoir beyond the MAX indication.
6 Wipe off any excess water before plugging iron into outlet.
If the tap water in your area is very hard, we advise you to mix it with
an equal portion of distilled water, or to use distilled water only.
Do not use vinegar, starch or chemically descaled water.
7 Press to close the filling cap (click!) and put the removable
water reservoir onto the iron.
Setting the temperature
1 Put the iron on its heel.
2 Plug cord in electrical outlet.
3 Set the Te m p e r a t u re Control to the re q u i red ironing temperature
by turning it to the ap p ropriate temperature indicator.
- Check the garment label for the required ironing temperature:
Synthetic fabrics (e.g. acrylic, viscose, polyamide, polyester)
Cotton, linen
- If you do not know what kind of fabric(s) the garment is made of, try
to determine the right ironing temperature by ironing a part that will
be invisible when you wear the garment.
- S i l k ,woolen and synthetic materi a l s :iron the reve rse side of the fabri c
to prevent shiny spots.To prevent stains, avoid using the spray function.
- Start ironing the articles that require the lowest ironing temperature
first, such as those made of synthetic fibers.
4 Start ironing when the Amber Pilot Light has first gone out and
then comes on again.
The Amber Pilot Light will come on from time to time during ironing.
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