Specifications Product highlights
Coffee Pod System
Date of issue 2008-10-23
Version: 1.1
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Technical Specifications
• Power: 1450 W
• Voltage: 120 V
• Frequency: 60 Hz
• Cord length: 100 cm
• Water tank capacity: 1.2 / 8 Litres / cups
• Auto off: 60 minute(s)
• Spout height: 97 - 117 mm
• Black coffee brew volume: 4/8 oz
Design specifications
• Color: Deep Black
• Materials: Plastic
Country of Origin
• Country of origin: Poland
Unique patented SENSEO® coffee brewing
Unique coffee brewing system from Philips and Douwe
Egberts: every cup freshly brewed and always the right
balance between coffee and water. A guarantee for a
smooth and full taste and delicious aroma.
Wide range of Douwe Egberts SENSEO®
coffee pods
With more than 250 years of experience, Douwe Egberts
knows exactly how to roast and grind carefully selected
coffee beans for the best taste. So with Douwe Egberts
SENSEO® coffee pod varieties, you can be confident
you’ll get great coffee every time.
Delicious SENSEO® coffee foam layer
The proof of Douwe Egberts SENSEO® premium coffee
Freshly brewed coffee at the touch
of a button