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Problem Possible Causes Solution
The machine does not turn on.
The machine is not connected to the
electrical network.
Connect the machine to the electrical network.
The pump is very noisy. No water in the tank. Re ll with water (Section 4.4).
The co ee is too cold.
The "machine ready" light (20) was o
while switching the selection knob (17) to
the "
" position.
Wait until the "machine ready" light (20) turns
The lter holder is not inserted for
preheating (Section 5).
Preheat the lter holder.
The cups are cold. Preheat the cups with hot water.
The milk does not froth.
It is not possible to prepare a
Not suitable milk: Powdered milk or low-
fat milk has been used.
Use only cold, whole milk.
Dirty Pannarello. Clean the Pannarello as described in Section 9.
No steam left in the boiler.
Prime the circuit (Section 4.5) and repeat the
steps described in Section 8.
The co ee is brewed too fast,
crema does not form.
There is too little co ee in the lter
Add co ee (Section 5).
The grind is too coarse. Use a di erent blend (Section 6).
Co ee is old or not suitable. Use a di erent blend (Section 6).
Old or not suitable pod. Change the pod.
One component missing in the lter
Make sure that all components are present and
properly installed.
Co ee is not brewed or brewed
in drips only.
No water. Re ll with water (Section 4.4).
The grind is too ne. Use a di erent blend (Section 6).
Co ee pressed in the lter holder. Shake the ground co ee.
There is too much co ee in the lter
Reduce the quantity of co ee in the lter holder.
Knob (3) is open. Close knob (3).
The machine has limescale build-up. Descale the machine (Section 10).
The lter in the lter holder is clogged. Clean the lter (Section 9).
Not suitable pod. Change type of pod.
Co ee ows out of the edges.
The lter holder is incorrectly inserted in
the brew unit.
Insert the lter holder correctly (Section 5).
The upper edge of the lter holder is
Clean the rim of the lter holder.
The pod is inserted incorrectly.
Insert the pod correctly. Make sure it does not
come out of the lter holder.
There is too much co ee in the lter
Reduce the quantity of co ee using the measuring
Please contact the customer service for any problems not covered in the above table or when the suggested
solutions do not solve the problem.