Foldable full-body solarium
UV: 1800W+100W & IR: 2600W
Specifications Product highlights
Electronic Features
• Voltage: 230 V
• Frequency: 50 Hz
• Power: UV 2200 W, IR 2300 W
• Current: 2 A
• Fuse for power outlet: 16 A slow
• IR lamps: 2x1300 W
• UV Lamps: 400-600 W
• Reflector: Parabolic, with hammer finishing
• Cord length: 3 m
Logistic data
• Product size closed: 890x620x320 mm
• Product size open: 1640x1630x1150/1570 mm
• Product weight (incl. packaging): 45 kg
• Packaging weight export packaging: 290 kg
• Packaging size couch: - mm
• Packaging size F-box: 97x70x40 cm
• Pallet quantity: 6
• Country of origin: Poland
• EAN code W-Europe: 8710103186397
• CTV code WE: 884397701000
• Filter: Tanning filter
• Safety norm: acc. to European CENELEC
requirements, UV type III, Kema Class II (double
• Number of safety goggles: 2
Issue date 2007-12-17
Version: 2.1
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
2 InfraRed lamps for relaxing and indulging
2 InfraRed lamps generate warmth to relax and indulge
yourself. The InfraRed function can be used seperately
from the UV function. Allow yourself and you muscles to
come to rest during this enjoyable process.
Folding system to easily unfold and fold again
The Sunmobile can easily be folded thanks to the Folding
System. Folding and unfolding the product is a matter of
seconds thanks to the strong gasspring inside. Once
folded the product can be stored out of sight when it is
not in use. This truly saves saves you a lot of space in your
house or apartment.
2 pairs of eye-protecting goggles
Two pairs of goggles are included, to protect your eyes
from the UV light.
Auto Stop - 60 min
Automatically shuts off after 60 minutes, for your safety.
This prevents you from tanning too long (e.g., if you fall
asleep while tanning).
4 Philips Cleo HPA Flex-Power lamps
The Philips Cleo HPA Flex-Power lamps have a powerfull
UV-output ensure a beautiful tan.
Facial Plus
The integrated Facial Plus function can be activated to
provide additional UV for great facial tanning.
Partial tanning
You can select a full-body or partial tanning session. For
the partial tanning session, only one set of lamps is
activated so you can tan just your upper body, for
Extra performance on side tanning
Extra tanning performance on the side of the body is
achieved by the cross positioning of the tanning lamps.
The two lamps in the middle can be turned around 90
degrees to increase the UV-output on the side of the
Optimal evenness of tan
The parabolic reflector with hammer finishing makes
sure that the output of the lamps is spread out evenly
over the body. This results in a beautifull even tan allover
your body.
Remote control
With the remote control you can select the type and
duration of your session: full-body or partial tanning, with
or without facial plus. It includes a repeat, pause and on/
off function, and a lamp change signal after 750 hours of