
Mini Hi-Fi System
Specifications Product highlights
Output Power: 2x30W RMS, 1200W PMPO
Sound Enhancement: Dynamic Bass Boost
Main Speaker: 2 way
Number of Loudspeakers: 2
Video Playback
Loader Type: Motorised
Number of Discs: 1
Playback Media: DVD, DVD+R/+RW, DVD-R/-
RW, SVCD, Video CD, Picture CD
Disc Playback Modes: Disc Menu, Fast Forward,
Fast Backward, Slow Forward, Slow Backward, A-
B Repeat, Angle, Zoom, Resume Playback from
DVD Region: 5
Audio Playback
Playback Media: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3-CD
Disc Playback Modes: Repeat/one/all/program,
Repeat/one/disk/program, 20-Track
Cassette Deck Technology: Mechanical
Number of decks: 1
Cassette Playback Modes: Automatic Stop,
Electronic Speed Control
Audio Recording
Recording Media: Tape
Tape Recording Enhancement: Automatic
Recording Level, CD Synchro Start Recording
Tuner Bands: FM Stereo, MW
Audio Connections: RCA Aux in, Analogue Audio
Out (L/R)
Other connections: Composite video (CVBS) out,
Component Video out Interlaced, S-Video out,
Digital output (cinch), Subwoofer out,
Microphone socket, MW Antenna
Display Type: LCD
Karaoke: MIC volume, Key control, Echo control
Remote control: 45-key
Included Accessories: User Manual, Quick start
guide, Composite video cable (Y), YPbPr
component video cable, AM antenna
Standard Package Includes: International
Set dimensions (W x H x D): 337 x 86 x 436 mm
Main speaker dimensions (W x H x D):
x 235 x 310 mm
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 394 x 370 mm
Weight incl. Packaging: 12 kg
Power supply: 200-240 V, 50Hz
Issue date 2008-07-03
Version: 1.0.2
12 NC: 8670 000 33799
EAN: 87 12581 36287 4
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Plays DVD/CD/MP3
Dolby Digital Surround
Because Dolby Digital and DTS, the world's leading digital
multi-channel audio standards, make use of the way the
human ear naturally processes sound, you experience
superb quality surround sound audio with realistic spatial
2x30W RMS/ 1200W PMPO
Stereo cassette deck
AM/FM tuner
Dynamic Bass Boost
Dynamic Bass Boost maximizes your music enjoyment by
emphasizing the bass content of the music throughout
the range of volume settings - from low to high – at the
touch of a button! Bottom-end bass frequencies usually
get lost when the volume is set at a low level. To
counteract this, Dynamic Bass Boost can be switched on
to boost bass levels, so you can enjoy consistent sound
even when you turn down the volume.
The Karaoke feature on your DVD player provides
endless entertainment and maximum audio and singing
enjoyment.You can enhance your performance by adding
an ‘echo’ effect to your voice. The key controls allows you
to choose the optimal key for your personal vocal range.