Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
5.3 Process Flow
The selected workshop receives the defect TV set and
investigates the PDP. Two possible solutions follow:
5.3.1 Advanced PDP Exchange (Actual Way-of-Working)
In case of:
• Glass broken,
• Flex foil damaged,
• Y-COM IC on flex foil is damaged, or
• NVM on logic board defect: no communication with
the procedure for repair is as follows:
A new PDP will be ordered at EuroService. They issue an RMA
number and ship a refurbished PDP from its swap pool in a
flight case to the workshop. After receipt, the workshop sends
the defective PDP, accompanied by a completely filled in
Defect Description Form (see figure “Defect Description Form
(DDF)“), in this flight case to EuroService. EuroService makes
sure the defect PDP is repaired and afterwards added to its
swap pool. The workshop makes the TV set complete by
building in the refurbished PDP. Afterwards the TV set is
returned to the customer.
5.3.2 Customized Repair
If the defect is not mentioned in 5.2.1, the workshop orders the
necessary spare parts, being boards, at EuroService. After
receipt the workshop swaps the concerning board and makes
the TV set complete by building in the PDP. Afterwards the TV
set is returned to the customer.
Figure 5-3 PDP flow chart
End user contacts dealer because his
plasma TV set is defective
VIP workshop pays home visit to end user
and swaps defective TV set with a loan set
PDP flow chart
(from 1st May 2003 onwards)
Dealer requests VIP workshop
to contact end user
VIP workshop analyses the PDP
of the defective plasma TV set
VIP workshop orders refurbished PDP
at EuroService
EuroService ships refurbished PDP from its
swap pool to VIP workshop in a flight case
VIP workshop swaps PDP's
and makes plasma TV set complete
VIP workshop brings plasma TV set to
end user and swaps with loan set
glass repair
flex cable machine
VIP workshop orders spare part(s)
being boards at EuroService
EuroService ships spare part(s) with
next-day-delivery to VIP workshop
VIP workshop repairs PDP on board level
and makes plasma TV set complete
VIP workshop brings plasma TV set to
end user and swaps with loan set