22 Energy Saving Light
Energy Saver vs.Incandescent
Energy Saver Compact Fluorescent Lamps
If you want to improve your bottom line, switching to lower wattage Philips Energy Saver compact
fluorescent lamps with similar lumen output from a comparable standard incandescent lamp, can provide
substantial energy savings.Additionally, the operational cost of installing these lamps is significantly
reduced—compact fluorescent lamps last longer than standard incandescent lamps and emit less heat
which can reduce HVAC costs.
Improving your bottom
line made simple.
Present wattage 100W
x Operating hours (10,000) = 1,000,000 hrs
÷1,000 = 1000 kWh
x kW/h rate of $.10 = $100.00 per lamp
x 5 lamps per room = $500 (energy cost per room)
x 150 rooms = $75,000 (total energy costs)
Wattage 27W
x Operating hours (10,000) = 270,000 hrs
÷ 1000 =120 kWh
x Kw/h rate of $.10 = $27.00 per lamp
x 5 lamps per room = $135 (energy cost per room)
x 150 rooms = $20,250 (total energy costs)
Using 100W Incandescent Lamp (Current Lighting)
Using 27W Energy Saver Twister Lamp
What if you have 100 buildings this size?
The savings could be as much as $5,475,000
What if you have 500 buildings this size?
The savings could be as much as $27,375,000
Total energy savings = $54,750
How does a 150 room hotel
save over $54,000 in energy
cost? By simply replacing
standard incandescent lamps
with Philips Energy Saver
compact fluorescent lamps!
Hotels want to offer comfortable and inviting
accommodations with the right light levels for
reading,working,watching television or just
relaxing while also reducing their energy cost.
Each guest room in this 150-room example has
five sockets with 100W incandescent light bulbs.
The savings were achieved by replacing all five
100W incandescent light bulbs with Philips Energy
Saver 27WTwisters with a rated average life of
10,000 hours.
1)Average lifeunder specifiedtest conditions withlamps turned off andrestarted no
morefrequently than onceevery 3operating hours.
2)Rated averagelife isthe length ofoperation(in hours)at which pointan averageof
50%of the lampswill still beoperationaland 50% willnot.
3)Energysavings over rated averagelife comparedto incandescent equivalentbased on
$.10kW/h rate.
Canbe used withdimmers.
Thislamp is betterfor theenvironmentbecause of itsreducedmercurycontent.
lampsgive youend-of-lifeoptions which cansimplify and reduce
yourlamp disposalcosts dependingon yourstate and localregulations.
Amalgamtechnology.See individualproductfor temperaturerange.
Partner,Philips hasdetermined that
thisproduct meetsthe ENERGYSTAR
guidelinesfor energy efficiency.
Calculate your energy savings
For complete product information, visit
Energy Saving Light 23
6 Energy SaverTwisters 8 Energy SaverTwister GU24 10 Energy Saver SoftWhite Plus 12 Energy Saver Floods 14 Energy Saver Decoratives 16 Energy Saver Outdoor Lamps 18 Energy Saver Universal 20 Energy Saver Circlines
Rated Rated Savings
Product Avg.Life Avg.Life Watts Over Life vs.
Number Description Wattage (Hrs.)
Wattage (Hrs.)
Saved Lamp Life
14792-6 DecoTwister EL/mdT 5 5 8000 25 2500 20 $16 3 x More Life
14793-4 DecoTwister EL/mdT 9 9 8000 40 1000 31 $25 8 x More Life
13804-0 DecoTwister EL/mdT 11 11 8000 40 1000 29 $23 8 x More Life
15638-0 DecoTwist EL/mdT 13 13 10,000 60 1000 47 $47 10 x More Life
14786-8 DecoTwister EL/mdT 13 4100K 13 10,000 60 1000 47 $47 10 x More Life
14787-6 DecoTwister EL/mdT 13 5000K 13 10,000 60 1000 47 $47 10 x More Life
20286-1 DecTwister EL/mdT 18 18 10,000 75 750 57 $57 13 x More Life
15697-5 DecoTwist EL/mdT 23 23 10,000 100 750 77 $77 13 x More Life
13715-8 DecoTwister EL/mdT 27 27 10,000 100 750 73 $73 13 x More Life
14788-4 DecoTwister EL/mdT 27 4100K 27 10,000 100 750 73 $73 13 x More Life
14789-2 DecoTwister EL/mdT 27 5000K 27 10,000 100 750 73 $73 13 x More Life
15639-8 DecoTwist EL/mdT 32 32 10,000 100 1280 68 $68 8 x More Life
13948-5 DecoTwister EL/dT 42 42 10,000 150 750 108 $108 10x More Life
21193-8 HelixTwist EL/3W 11-23-34 11/23/34 10,000 50/100/150 2500 39/77/116 $116 4 x More Life
22258-1 EL/mdT 13W GU24 13 10,000 60 1000 47 $47 10 x More Life
22286-9 EL/mdT 18W GU24 18 10,000 75 750 57 $57 13 x More Life
22287-7 EL/mdT 23W GU24 23 10,000 100 750 77 $77 13 x More Life
15698-3 EL/A FAN 5W 5 8000 40 1000 35 $28 8 x More Life
15699-1 EL/SWP 9W 9 8000 40 1000 31 $25 8 x More Life
15700-8 EL/SWP 14W 14 8000 60 1000 46 $37 8 x More Life
20080-8 EL/SWP 20W 20 8000 75 1000 55 $44 8 x More Life
15701-6 Reflector Flood EL/A R20 14 8000 50 2000 36 $29 4 x More Life
15703-2 Reflector Flood EL/A R30 15 8000 75 2000 60 $40 6 x More Life
Reflector Flood EL/A R30 Dimmable
16 8000 75 2000 59 $47 4 x More Life
15702-4 Reflector Flood EL/A R40 23 8000 120 2000 97 $78 4 x More Life
Reflector Flood EL/A R40 Dimmable 20
8000 75 2000 55 $44 4 x More Life
15715-6 Reflector Flood EL/A PAR38 23 8000 120 2000 97 $78 4 x More Life
Reflector Flood EL/A PAR38 Dimmable
20 8000 75 2000 55 $44 4 x More Life
15716-4 Reflector Flood EL/A PAR38 2-Pc Flat 23 10,000 90 1000 67 $77 4 x More Life
15717-2 Vanity Globe EL/A 9 G18 9 8000 40 2000 31 $25 4 x More Life
15718-0 Vanity Globe EL/A 9 G25 9 8000 40 2000 31 $25 4 x More Life
21106-0 Décor Globe EL/A 16 G30 16 8000 60 2000 44 $35 4 x More Life
21107-8 Décor Globe EL/A 23 G40 23 8000 100 2000 77 $62 4 x More Life
14790-0 Candle EL/A Can 5 5 6000 15 2000 10 $6 3 x More Life
14791-8 Mini Candle EL/A mCan 5 5 6000 15 2000 10 $6 3 x More Life
20280-4 Candle EL/A Can 9 9 8000 40 2000 31 $25 4 x More Life
20284-6 Mini Candle EL/A mCan 9 9 8000 40 2000 31 $25 4 x More Life
20285-3 EL/O Outdoor Post 14W 14 8000 60 1000 46 $36 8 x More Life
20371-1 EL/A SWP 14W BAW 14 8000 60 1000 46 $36 8 x More Life
14691-0 Universal SLS 14ALTO 14 12,000 60 1000 46 $55 12 x More Life
13077-3 Universal SLS 20ALTO 20 15,000 75 750 55 $83 20 x More Life
13574-9 Universal SLS 25ALTO 25 15,000 100 750 75 $113 20 x More Life
37082-5 Universal SLS 34ALTO 34 7000 120 750 86 $60 9 x More Life
15719-8 Two Piece Circline 32W 32 12,000 135 1000 103 $124 12 x More Life
15720-6 Two Piece Circline 40W 40 12,000 150 1000 110 $132 12 x More Life
1) Example only, basedon energysavings overrated average lifeof Energy Saver27WTwisters versus 100W
incandescent lamps operated for 10,000 hours.