Gates Underwater Products
• 5111 Santa Fe Street, Suite H • San Diego, CA • 92109
858.272.2501 • 800.875.1052 • Fax 858.272.1208 • www.GatesHousings.com
Example connection of
EM43 video wire to the
Canon XL1s
Gates EM43 External Color Monitor
Setup and Use
Before You Begin
Every Gates housing is pressure tested before leaving the factory to assure a watertight
seal. The EM43 is shipped with batteries installed and is ready to use. Rough or
abusive handling during shipment however, could have caused unnoticed damage after
leaving the factory. Please carefully inspect the contents of the package and the EM43
for any sign of damage during shipment. If damage is suspected, contact Gates directly
for further action.
Camera Setup
Special setup of your camera may be required to use the EM43.
9 Information display. Some cameras can be set to display important camera
information (such as battery power and record time) on the EM43. Every camera is
different in this regard, so consult your camera user manual for further help. Your
Gates housing Setup, Use and Care Guide may also have specific information on
these settings.
9 Video aspect / format. Your camera will also require setup in the menu system to
properly display a video image on the EM43. Refer to Appendix A of this User Guide
for specifics.
9 Camera video connection. The location
and type of connection required to supply the
EM43 a video signal from your camera is
specific to the camera. The Setup, Use and
Care Guide for your housing will contain
details on this connection.
9 Caution: If you are not using
the EM43 monitor do not plug the video
connector into your camera.