- tube blackening,
- lamp type and wattage must correspond to that required by ballast
- lamp orientation designation incorrect for application (base up,base
1B:Visual inspection of components
- damaged ballast, starter or capacitor,
- evidence of moisture or excessive heat,
- loose, disconnected, pinched or frayed leads,
- incorrect wiring,
- ballast, starter and capacitor must correspond with lamp type and
lamp wattage for the actual mains supply voltage.
1C:Visual inspection of installation
- incorrect wiring,
- blown fuses, switched circuit breakers or contactors,
- hot cables,
- damaged lampholders.
1D:Visual inspection of mains supply
Verify that the correct line voltage is being supplied and that phase and
neutral are connected in accordance with the the wiring diagram.
2: Quick fix for restoring lighting
After the visual inspection and repair, replace any defective component,
starting with the lamp and glow-switch starter.
3:Trouble-shooting checklist
When, after following points 1 and 2,a failure still exists, some tests will
have to be carried out.
Fault I: lamp shows bright flash and does not ignite again.
• Possible cause:
- no ballast, incorrect ballast, short-circuited ballast,
- capacitor across the lamp instead of across the mains.
Fault II: newly replaced lamp does not ignite.
• Action:
- disconnect starter and measure mains voltage and open-circuit voltage
at the lampholder.These must both be equal in case of a linear coil,
- if equal, replace the starter,
- if not equal, replace the ballast,
- if equal and not igniting with new starter and lamp, check lampholder
and circuit contacts.
Fault III: lamp remains in glow stage, does not ignite properly or only
lamp ends (electrodes) do emit some light.
• Possible cause:
- lamp was damaged in previous overload,
- starter defect or short-circuited.
3.19 Fault finding