
DVD Player with HDMI and USB
HDMI 1080p DivX Ultra
Specifications Product highlights
D/A converter: 12 bit, 108 MHz
Picture enhancement: Progressive Scan, High Def
(720p, 1080i, 1080p), Video Upscaling(720p,
D/A converter: 24 bit, 192 kHz
Signal to noise ratio: > 90
Distortion and Noise (1kHz): > 65 dB
Crosstalk (1kHz): > 70 dB
Dynamic Range (1kHz): > 80 dB
Sound System: Dolby Digital
Frequency response: 30-20000 Hz
Video Playback
Playback Media: CD, CD-R/CD-RW, Video CD/
Compression formats: MPEG1, MPEG2, DivX
3.11, DivX 4.x, DivX 5.x, DivX 6.0, DivX Ultra
Video disc playback system: PAL, NTSC
Audio Playback
Playback Media: CD, MP3-CD, MP3-DVD, CD-R/
RW, WMA-CD, Audio CD
Compression format: Dolby Digital, MP3, PCM,
MP3 bit rates: 32 - 320 kbps
Still Picture Playback
Playback Media: DVD+R/+RW, DVD-R/-RW,
CD-R/RW, Picture CD, Kodak Picture CD
Picture compression format: JPEG
Picture enhancement: Flip photos, Rotate, Zoom,
Slideshow with MP3 playback, High Definition
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia connections: USB memory class
Playback Formats: DivX, MP3, JPEG Still pictures
Rear Connections: Analog audio Left/Right out,
Composite video (CVBS) output, HDMI output,
Digital coaxial out, ComponentVideo out
Progressive, Scart
Child Protection: Parental Control, Child Lock
On-Screen Display languages: Danish, Dutch,
English, Finnish, French, German, Italian,
Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish,
Turkish, Polish
Included Accessories: 2 x AAA Batteries, Quick
start guide, Remote Control, User Manual,
Warranty Leaflet
Set dimensions (W x H x D): 435 x 38 x 210 mm
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 82 x 296 mm
Set weight: 1.4 kg
Weight incl. Packaging: 0 kg
Power supply: 50Hz, 230V
Power consumption: < 12 W
Standby power consumption: < 1.0 W
Issue date 2008-06-19
Version: 1.0.10
12 NC: 8670 000 36074
EAN: 87 12581 38737 2
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
HDMI for simple AV connection
HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface. It
is a direct digital connection that can carry digital HD
video as well as digital multichannel audio. By eliminating
the conversion to analog signals it delivers perfect picture
and sound quality, completely free from noise. HDMI is
fully backward-compatible with (Digital Video Interface)
DivX Ultra Certified
DivX Ultra combines DivX playback with great features
like integrated subtitles, multiple audio languages,
multiple tracks and menus into one convenient file
192kHz/24 bit audio DAC
192KHz sampling enables you to have an accurate
representation of the original sound curves. Together with
a 24-bit resolution, more information is captured from
the original analogue sound wave form, giving a much
richer audio reproduction.
High definition JPEG playback
High definition JPEG playback lets you view your pictures
on your television in resolutions as high as two
megapixels. Now you can view your digital pictures in
absolute clarity, without loss of quality or detail - and
share them with friends and family in the comfort of your
living room.
Plays it all
Play virtually any media format you want - whether they
be DivX, MP3s, WMA or JPEGs. Experience the
unbeatable convenience of great playability, and the
luxury of sharing media files on your TV or home theater
system - in the comfort of your living room.
Progressive Scan
Progressive Scan doubles the vertical resolution of the
image resulting in a noticeably sharper picture. Instead of
sending a field comprising the odd lines to the screen first,
followed by the field with the even lines, both fields are
written at one time. A full image is created
instantaneously, using the maximum resolution. At such a
speed, your eye perceives a sharper picture with no line
EasyLink lets you control multiple devices with one
remote. It uses HDMI CEC industry-standard protocol to
share functionality between devices through the HDMI
cable. With one touch of a button, you can operate all
your connected HDMI CEC enabled equipment
simultaneously. Functions like standby and play can now
be carried out with absolute ease.