Progressive scan
The progressive scan displays twice the number
of frames per second than in an ordinary TV
system. It offers higher picture resolution and
Windows Media™ Audio. Refers to an
audio compression technology developed by
Microsoft Corporation. WMA data can be
encoded with Windows Media player version 9
or Windows Media player for Windows XP. Files
are recognized by their À le extension ‘.wma.’
11 Glossary
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio refers to the length to height ratio
of TV screens. The ratio of a standard TV is 4:3,
while the ratio of a high-deÀ nition or wide TV
is 16:9. The letter box allows you to enjoy a
picture with a wider perspective on a standard
4:3 screen.
A very common digital still picture format. A
still-picture data compression system proposed
by the Joint Photographic Expert Group, which
features small decrease in image quality in
spite of its high compression ratio. Files are
recognized by their À le extension ‘.jpg’ or ‘.jpeg.’
A À le format with a sound data compression
system. MP3 is the abbreviation of Motion
Picture Experts Group 1 (or MPEG-1) Audio
Layer 3. With the MP3 format, one CD-R or
CD-RW can contain about 10 times more data
than a regular CD.
Playback Control. A system where you navigate
through a Video CD/Super VCD with on-screen
menus that are recorded onto the disc. You can
enjoy interactive playback and search.