
Play musical slideshow
Create a musical slideshow to play MP3/WMA
music fi les and JPEG photo fi les simultaneously.
To create a musical slideshow, you must store the MP3/
WMA and JPEG fi les on the same disc/USB device.
1 Play MP3/WMA music.
2 Press BACK to return to the main menu.
3 Navigate to the photo folder/album and press
OK to start slideshow play.
Slideshow begins and continues till the end »
of the photo folder or album.
Audio continues to play until the end of »
the disc.
To stop slideshow play, press
To stop music play, press
Play from USB device
This product plays/views MP3, WMA, DivX or JPEG
fi les that are stored on a USB device.
1 Connect a USB fl ash drive to the jack on
this product.
2 Press the button.
A contents menu is displayed.»
3 If play does not start automatically, select a fi le
to play.
For more information, see the chapters
“Play music”, “Play photo” and “Play
video” for details.
4 To stop play, press .
To switch to the disc mode, press the
Play photo
Play photo as slideshow
You can play JPEG photos (fi les with .jpeg or .jpg
1 Insert a disc or USB that contains the JPEG
For USB, press
Slideshow begins (for Kodak disc), or a »
contents menu (for JPEG disc) is displayed.
2 Select a photo folder, then press OK to start
To preview the photos in thumbnail, press
To select a photo, press the Navigation
To enlarge the selected photo and start
slideshow, press OK.
To return to the menu, press
It may require longer time to display the disc content
on the TV due to the large number of songs/photos
compiled onto one disc/USB device.
If the JPEG photo is not recorded with an ‘exif’ type
fi le, the actual thumbnail picture cannot be shown on
the screen. It is replaced by a ‘blue mountain’ thumbnail
This player can only display digital camera pictures
according to the JPEG-EXIF format, typically used by
almost all digital cameras. It cannot display Motion JPEG,
or pictures in formats other than JPEG, or sound clips
associated with pictures.
Folders/fi les that exceed the supported limit of this
player cannot be displayed or played.
Control photo play
1 Play a photo slideshow.
2 Use the remote control to control the play.
Button Action
Rotate a photo anti-clockwise/
Rotate a photo horizontally/
Zoom in or out of a photo.
Play pauses in zoom mode.
Stop a play.