Audio Menu (underlined options are the factory default settings)
Setup Menu Options (continued)
Digital Output
Night Mode
Down Sampling
This setting is only required if the COAXIAL/DIGITAL OUT
socket of this unit is connected to other audio/video device.
{ Off } – Deactivate the digital audio output. For
example, if you use the AUDIO OUT
sockets to connect this unit to a TV or
Stereo system.
{ PCM } – The connected device does not support
multi-channel formats. This unit
converts multi-channel to PCM (Pulse
Code Modulation) format.
{ ALL } – The connected device supports multi-
channel audio formats. The digital audio
format will be output as on disc.
Note: If the { Digital Output } is set to { All } during MPEG, MP3
or WMA playback, the audio output will be in PCM format.
This mode optimizes playback of sound at low volume. High
volume outputs will be softened and low volume outputs will be
enhanced to an audible level. This feature is only applicable for
DVD video discs with Dolby Digital mode.
{ Off } – Turn off night mode. Select this to enjoy
the surround sound with its full dynamic
{ On } – Turn on night mode.
This feature enables you to disable digital signal processing for
better sound quality.
{ Off } – Play disc recorded at sampling rate of
96kHz. This rate can only be achieved in
Stereo-Classic (Flat) mode.
{ On } – Play disc recorded at sampling rate of
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