
Hard Disk/DVD Recorder
160 GB
Specifications Product highlights
D/A converter: 10 bit, 54 MHz
A/D converter: 10 bit, 54 MHz
Picture enhancement: Progressive Scan
D/A converter: 24 bit, 192 kHz
A/D converter: 24 bit, 192 kHz
Video Recording
Recording system: NTSC
Compression formats: MPEG2
Recording Modes: High Quality (HQ), Standard Play
(SP), Standard Play Plus (SPP), Long Play (LP),
Extended Play (EP), Super Long Play (SLP)
Audio compression: Dolby Digital
Recording Media: DVD+R/+RW, DVD-R/-RW
Recording enhancements: Auto Chapter Marking,
Chapter Marker Insertion, Divide, Erase, Manual
Chapter Marking, One Touch Record (OTR), Safe
Record, Selectable Index Pictures
Video Playback
Playback Media: CD-R/CD-RW, DVD+R/+RW,
DVD-R/-RW, DVD-Video, Video CD/SVCD
Compression formats: MPEG2, MPEG1, DivX 3.11,
DivX 4.x, DivX 5.x, DivX 6.0
Audio Playback
Playback Media: Audio CD, CD-R/RW
Compression format: Dolby Digital, MP3, WMA
Still Picture Playback
Playback Media: CD-R/RW, DVD+R/+RW, DVD-
Picture compression format: JPEG
Picture enhancement: Rotate, Zoom
Storage Media
Hard Disk Capacity: 160 GB
HDD recording enhancements: Pause Live TV
TV system: NTSC, ATSC
Front / Side connections: Audio L/R in, CVBS in,
i.LINK DV in (IEEE1394, 4-pin), USB 1.1
Rear Connections: Analog audio Left/Right in,
Component Video output, Composite video
(CVBS) input, Composite video (CVBS) output,
Digital coaxial out, S-Video out, Analog audio Left/
Right out, HDMI output, RF ant / TVOut - w/o
modulator, S-Video in
Programming/Timer Enhancements: Daily/Weekly
Repeat Program, Manual Timer, One Touch
Programmable Events: 12
Programming Period: 1 month
Power supply: 110V
Standby power consumption: < 5.5 W
Power consumption: 23 W
Included Accessories: 2 x AAA Batteries, Quick
start guide, Remote Control, User Manual, A/V
Cable, RF antenna cable, Warranty Leaflet
Remote Control 12NC: Black Slim Sofa
Weight incl. Packaging: 4.6 kg
Packaging dimensions (WxHxD): 520 x 147 x 413
Product dimensions (WxDxH): 420 x 290 x 59 mm
Product weight: 3.4 kg
Issue date 2008-05-08
Version: 1.0.3
12 NC: 8670 000 40148
UPC: 6 09585 15520 6
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Progressive Scan
Progressive Scan doubles the vertical resolution of the
image resulting in a noticeably sharper picture. Instead of
sending a field comprising the odd lines to the screen first,
followed by the field with the even lines, both fields are
written at one time. A full image is created instantaneously,
using the maximum resolution. At such a speed, your eye
perceives a sharper picture with no line structure.
Dual Media
Philips DVD Recorders support ‘dual media’ recording - the
ability to create recordings on DVD+R/RW and DVD-R/
RW discs. Now you can buy any disc and the Philips
recorder will always create fully compatible recordings,
which can be played by any DVD player.
i.LINK digital input
Also known as IEEE 1394 and FireWire, i.Link carries all
audio and video signals via a single cable digitally, with no
loss in picture and sound quality. With i.Link digital video
input, you can copy your home videos in their original digital
picture quality.
Plays it all
Play virtually any media format you want - whether they be
DivX, MP3s, WMA or JPEGs. Experience the unbeatable
convenience of great playability, and the luxury of sharing
media files on your TV or home theater system - in the
comfort of your living room.
USB Direct
Simply plug your device into the USB port on your Philips
DVD system. Your digital music and photos will be played
directly from the device. Now you can share your favorite
moments with family and friends.