
Digital output
Digital output selection enables you to specify
the type of digital output suitable for your
Select OFF to deactivate the DIGITAL AUDIO
Select PCM only if your receiver is not capable
of decoding multichannel audio.
Select ALL (default setting), if you had connected
your DIGITAL AUDIO OUT to a multichanel
decoder receiver.
Digital output is not available for SACD and
MP3 discs.
Analogue output
Select Stereo, Dolby Surround-compatible, 3D
Sound or Multi-channel.
Multi-channel: Select this setting when using a
multi-channel audio/(video) receiver with six
inputs. In this mode, the player will perform DTS
decoding or Dolby Digital 5.1-channel decoding
when applicable, and Dolby Pro Logic decoding
on DVD-Video and Video-CD discs with 2-
channel sound tracks. No Dolby Pro Logic
decoding is done with (Super) Audio CD discs.
Stereo: In this setting, the 5.1 audio channels are
down-mixed to a stereo signal. Select this setting
when connecting to a TV, stereo amplifier/
receiver, etc.
Multichannel output and downmixed
stereo output are not available
When multichannel is selected as
analogue output, the AUDIO OUT (Left/
Right) will deliver the Centre channel data
and not the downmixed Left/Right.
Dolby Surround-compatible: Select this setting
when using an equipment with a Dolby
Surround Pro Logic decoder. In this setting, the
5.1 audio channels (Dolby Digital, MPEG-2, DTS)
are downmixed to a Dolby Surround-compatible
2-channel output.
3D-Sound: In a setup without rear speakers
(analogue stereo output), 3D Sound remixes the
six channels of digital surround into a two-
speaker output while retaining all of the original
audio information. The result is the listening
sensation of being surrounded by multiple
During DVD or Video-CD playback, these values
can be selected directly with the SOUND
MODE key.
Night Mode
When set to ON, the dynamics of your sound
output are optimised. High volume outputs are
softened, enabling you to watch your favourite
action movie without disturbing others.
Karaoke vocal
Put this setting to ON only when a multi-channel
karaoke DVD is being played. The karaoke
channels on the disc will then be mixed into a
normal stereo sound.
SACD Bass Management Bypass
Allows you (with suitable speaker system) to
bypass the bass management system for multi-
channel SACD playback.
This helps to preserve maximum sound quality
of your SACD.
When SACD Bass Management Bypass
is ON, speaker setting will not be applied
during multi-channel SACD playback.