Diagnostic Software, Trouble Shooting and Test Instructions
EN 28 DVD763SA5.
Figure 5-28
The user can switch between the three different types of
groove settings by pressing OPEN/CLOSE (forward to next
nucleus in the list In-Mid-Out), or STOP (backward in the list In-
Mid-Out). This is done in a cyclic manner; note that this test will
not contribute to the test result of the Basic Engine. Pressing
PLAY proceeds to the next test, after the disc motor has been
shut off with a call to nucleus BeDiscMotorOff.
5.5.8 Tray Test
As a last action for the Basic Engine tests, the tray test is
repeated. The local display will look as follows:
Figure 5-29
This test is meant to give the user the opportunity to remove the
disc in the tray. The tray position can be toggled using the
OPEN/CLOSE key. The tray will be closed (by the software, if
it is open) before proceeding to the next test when the user
presses the PLAY key.
5.5.9 Error Log (See Table on Page 25)
Reading the error log and error bits information can be useful
to determine any errors that occurred recently during normal
operation of the DVD player. Reading the error log is done by
nucleus LogReadErr.
The display during the errorlog readout looks as follows :
Figure 5-30
Note: Previous versions of the diagnostic software showed a 8-
digit error code.
Due to limitations in the number of digits that can be displayed
by some front panel displays, the most significant digits will not
be shown. This can be done since all the error codes used by
this player has set these 2 digits to “00”
By pressing OPEN/CLOSE or STOP the user can move
forward or backward (respectively) through the logged error
codes. If "0000" is displayed at all positions, the error log is
empty. Display of the logged errors is done in a cyclic manner.
By pressing PLAY on the local keyboard, the user can proceed
to the next test.
5.5.10 Error Bits
Reading the error bits is done by nucleus LogReadBits. The
display during the errorbits readout looks as follows:
Figure 5-31
Only the identification number (decimal) representing set
errorbits will be shown. By pressing OPEN/CLOSE or STOP,
the user can move forward or backward (respectively) through
the logged errorcodes. If the display only shows "EB-0", no
error bits were set. By pressing PLAY the user can continue to
the next test.
5.6 Loop Test (See Table Below)
At the start of the loop test, the local display of the DVD player
will show the interactive player test result readout in the
following display:
Figure 5-32
The left side of the display contains a 3-digit code, which can
have a value between 000 and 111. These values indicate the
faulty modules and are to be interpreted as follows:
Figure 5-33
The loop test will perform the same nuclei as the dealer test,
but it will loop through the list of nuclei indefinitely. The display
of the DVD player will display not only the three digits indicating
correct/faulty modules and the last found error code (as
mentioned, faults are detected as far as they can be within the
scope of the diagnostic software), but also a loop counter
indicating how many times the loop has been gone through. If
an error was detected, the display will remain as in figure 5-34
until the user presses the PLAY key and then it will continue to
the next loop.
Figure 5-34
The 2-digit number (23) on the right of figure 5-32 indicates the
number of times the loop test has been performed.
CL 16532162_046.eps
CL 16532162_041.eps
CL 16532162_047.eps
CL 16532162_048.eps
CL 16532162_049.eps
Indication for each module
Basic Engine Mono
000 ok ok ok
001 ok ok faulty
010 ok faulty ok
011 ok faulty faulty
100 faulty ok ok
101 faulty ok faulty
110 faulty faulty ok
111 faulty faulty faulty
CL 96532065_031.eps
CL 16532162_050.eps