
The timer settings function enables you to program your digital receiver to switch on and off at
selected times, for upto 8 different time slots. Your video can then be set to record digital
At any stage of the following procedure, pressing the RED button on the remote will return you to
the previous menu, or pressing the EXIT button will discard any changes that have been made
and return your receiver to normal operation.
1. Firstly press the MENU button on the remote, to display the main menu. The setting the
timer option will already be highlighted.
2. Select this option by pressing either the SELECT button or a number button 1 on your remote.
3. The screen will now show a list of 8 timer slots, each one indicating that it is either available
for programming, or that it has a programme already stored in it.
4. Select an available row using the UP and DOWN buttons, then press the SELECT button to
display the setting the timer screen. This screen asks you to confirm the date, channel
number, start time, end time and the status of the programme (whether it is on only once, or
whether it is repeated daily or weekly).
You can now start enter details of the programme you would like to record. All required buttons
are on the remote.
5. Use the number buttons to enter the date. Only the day and month should be entered, the
digital receiver will automatically know the year. You must enter a total of 4 digits, for
example to enter 8th February 1999, press 0802.
6. Press the DOWN arrow button to confirm the entry and move to the channel number line.
7. Enter the channel number you want to record from by pressing the relevant number buttons.