Table of contents
1 Important 4
1.1 Safetyinformation 5
1.2 Reducingpowerconsumption 6
2 Your HD receiver 7
2.1 What’sinthebox? 7
2.2 Whatyoualsoneed(notsupplied)? 8
2.3 Overview 8
2.4 Howtoreadthismanual? 9
2.5 Howtousethemenus? 9
3 Getting started 9
3.1 Preparingyourremotecontrol 9
3.2 ConnectingyourHDTV 10
3.3 InstallingyourHDreceiver 10
3.4 Whatifnochannelsarefound? 12
4 Using your HD receiver 13
4.1 Standby/wakeup 13
4.2 Switchingonandoff 13
4.3 Changingchannels 13
4.4 Adjustingvolume 13
4.5 Usingthechannelbanner 13
4.6 Usingchannellists 15
4.7 UsingtheTVguide 15
4.8 Scheduling/stoppingrecordings 16
4.9 UsingtheToolsmenu 17
5 Using more of your
HD receiver 18
5.1 HDreceiver 18
5.2 Remotecontrol 19
5.3 Front-paneldisplaymessages 20
5.4 UsingtheMainmenu 21
6 Maintenance 27
6.1 Cleaning 27
6.2 Replacing 27
6.3 Disposing 27
7 Accessories and connections 28
7.1 Connectingyouraudioequipment 28
7.2 Connectingyourrecordingequipment 28
7.3 Connectingyour
standard-denitionTV 29
8 Guarantee and service 30
9 Technical data 30
10 Frequently asked questions 32
11 Glossary 35
12 Index 36
Contact information 37
Trademarks and partner logos 38