Horizontal and Vertical Sync from the SSB is fed to the HOP panel via the SSM panel when NTSC is
used as the signal source. In sets with the D Shell RGB input, 7110 switches between the Vertical
and Horizontal Sync on the cinch connectors or the Sync from Pins 13 and 14 of the D Shell
connector. IC 7210 selects between the output of 7110 and the Sync from the SSB. For separate
Horizontal and Vertical Sync, the output of 7210 is fed to the multiplexer IC 7330, which is used as a
switch. In the case of Sync on Y or Sync on Green, Pin 19 of 7210 is fed to Pin 18 of 7210 to a Sync
Separator. If separate Horizontal Sync is present, the internal detector in 7210 turns the Sync
Separator Off. The Sync output on Pin 17 is fed to a Low Pass Filter, which separates the Vertical
Sync. The Timer IC,7328, detects the Horizontal Sync and feeds it to 7330. The detected Horizontal
Sync from 7328 is fed to Pin 1 of 7330 to switch the IC to the Pin 6 and 3 inputs.
Horizontal Output
Figure 29
Horizontal drive from the HOP panel is fed to 7807 on the Large Signal panel. Transistor 7807 drives
the Horizontal Output Transistor,7801, which drives the Yokes and the Horizontal Output Transformer
5801. Transformer 5801 produces a plus and minus 13-volt supply for the Vertical Output circuit. It
also produces a 200-volt source and Filament voltage for the CRT panels. The output of 7807 also
drives 7803 and 7802, which drives the Dynamic Focus circuit.