Softone T55
Softone T55
Visual comfort
Home use in living and dining rooms, halls and studies r
Ofces r
Hotel lounges, restaurants, bedrooms, halls, conference r
rooms and foyers
Clubs, social areas and public accommodation r
Shops and boutiquesr
Other similar areasr
Why choose?
Enhances colours in the home and adds a new dimension to r
interior decoration.
Creates a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere with a high degree r
of visual comfort.
Technical Features
T-shaped gas-lled lamps with a modern appearance.r
Gives a delicate, glare-free light in a subtle white r
or pastel colour
Dimensions in mm C D
max. nom.
4PGUPOF8&758)$5 95 55
Preferred selection
product ID Lamp bulb Cap/base Luminous Average Packaging Order Code
Voltage Shape Flux Lifetime Type
(V) (lm) (hrs)
Softone 40W White 230V T55 B22 1000 hrs 1CT
Softone 60W Citron 230V T55 B22 650 1000 hrs 1CT
Softone 60 W White 230V T55 B22 630 1000 hrs 1CT 366405 84
4PGUPOF88IJUF 230V T55 B22 840 1000 hrs 1CT 366443 84
Softone 100W White 230V T55 B22 1200 1000 hrs 1CT
Softone 25W White 230V T55 & 165 1000 hrs 1CT 366504 86
Softone 40W Apricot 230V T55 & 345 1000 hrs 1CT 366535 85
Softone 40W Terracotta 230V T55 & 330 1000 hrs 1CT 366818 86
Softone 40W White 230V T55 & 1000 hrs 1CT 366306 84
Softone 60W Apricot 230V T55 & 620 1000 hrs 1CT 366603 84
Softone 60W Azur 230V T55 & 550 1000 hrs 1CT 366641 85
Softone 60W Citron 230V T55 & 650 1000 hrs 1CT 366634 84
Softone 60W Terracotta 230V T55 & 530 1000 hrs 1CT 366849 84
Softone 60W White 230V T55 & 630 1000 hrs 1CT 366221 84
4PGUPOF88IJUF 230V T55 & 840 1000 hrs 1CT 366344 86
Softone 100W White 230V T55 & 1200 1000 hrs 1CT 366252 84
Softone T55