Turn on or off the screen saver mode. It helps to protect the TV
screen from being damaged due to over exposure to static image for
being too long.
• [ON] - Set the screen saver active after 10 minutes of inactivity
(for example, in the pause or stop mode)
• [OFF]- Disable screen saver mode.
To turn on/off the background music.
• [ON]-Selectatrackrstandthenselectapicture.Thepicture
is displayed with background music.
• [OFF] - The picture is displayed without background music.
To set the amount of time that a picture is shown.
[15 SEC] - Pictures switch in 15 seconds. •
[30 SEC] - Pictures switch in 30 seconds. •
[45 SEC] - Pictures switch in 45 seconds. •
You can change the four-digit code used as Password.
1 Use the numeric keys (0-9) to enter your current four-digit
code, then press OK.
The password supplied by default is 0000.
2 Press , then enter the new four-digit password.
3 press OKtoconrm.
If you forget the password, enter ‘0000’ before you set a new •