6. External interfaces
6-3. Tally connector
The tally connector comes with tally output, output enable, power supply or fan alarm output pins.
The output signals from the tally output pins are for lighting the tally lamps, and these outputs are open collector
Pin assignment
Pin No. Signal name Input/output Description of signal
1 IN1 Open collector output Tally output of input video 1
2 IN2 Open collector output Tally output of input video 2
IN3 Open collector output
Tally output of input video 3
4 IN4 Open collector output Tally output of input video 4
5 IN5 Open collector output Tally output of input video 5
6 IN6 Open collector output Tally output of input video 6
7 ENABLE Input Enable signal of tally output
Open: Output; GND: no output
8 ALARM Open collector output Fan alarm or power supply alarm output
Pins 1 to 6 and pin 8 must satisfy the following conditions:
Dielectric strength: Max. DC 24 V
Current: Max. 50 mA
Example of tally connections
(Max. voltage: 24V)
Tally LED
(Max. current: 50mA)
Tally, Alarm output
(IN1 to 6, ALARM)