• When you stream audio from your iTunes music library
on a PC/Mac, you can select more than one AirPlay-
enabled devices (if available) at step 3 to stream music
to all of them at the same time.
• If you are using an earlier version of iTunes, the AirPlay
icon may be instead of .
Control play
You can select different play options from either
your iTunes host device or AD7000W.
• Make sure that you have successfully streamed audio
from your iTunes music library to AD7000W.
• To pause or resume play, press .
• To adjust volume, press +/- repeatedly.
• If you are streaming music from a PC/Mac, to control
music play from AD7000W, remember to tick Allow
iTunes audio control from remote speakers in Edit ->
Preferences -> Devices on iTunes.
Use advanced sound settings
If your iTunes host device is an iPod touch/
For advanced sound settings and additional
features, you can use your iPod touch/iPhone/
iPad to download the Philips Fidelio application
from Apple App Store. It is a free application
from Philips.
If your iTunes host device is a Wi-Fi enabled
For advanced sound settings, you can use the
equalizer available on iTunes directly (View ->
Show Equalizer).
• See the iTunes help documentation for more details.
Stream from your PC/Mac
1 Launch iTunes 10 (or a later version) on
your PC/Mac.
2 Click the AirPlay icon on the window.
3 Select Philips_Fidelio_AirPlay XXXX (or
user customized name) from the AirPlay
4 Select a media le and start play.
» After a while, you will hear music from