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With this new living room air purier you breathe cleaner air. For the best
results, place the living room air purier in a room where you spend most
of your time, e.g. the living room.
Wherever there are people, plants or pets, there are airborne particles that
can affect your well-being, especially if you suffer from allergies. Because of
these particles, the air inside a room may be more polluted than the air in
a large city.
Normally, particles are invisible and odourless. Nevertheless they can affect
your health. The living room air purier reduces the amount of animal
dander and industrial pollutants in the air, and therefore improves the
air quality. It also lters out ultrane particles larger than 20 nanometres,
including bacteria and some viruses. According to publications of the
World Health Organization, the avian and human inuenza viruses and the
Legionella bacterium are larger than 20 nanometres.
The living room air purier has a unique multi-stage ltration system that
ensures the best air quality:
- Stage 1: The pre-lter has been treated with antibacterial substances. It
catches big particles like human hair, pet hair etc.
- Stage 2: The formaldehyde lter (supplied with AC4074) lters out
formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In
combination with the HEPA lter, the multi-care lter lters out dust,
pollen and ultrane particles larger than 20 nanometres, including
bacteria and some viruses. According to publications of the World
Health Organization, the avian and human inuenza viruses and
Legionella bacterium are larger than 20 nanometres.
Note: The AC4074 and AC4072 are suitable for both the formaldehyde lter
and the multi-care lter. When you replace the lter present in your type, you
can choose the lter (formaldehyde or multi-care) that suits your needs best.
- Stage 3: The activated carbon lter lters out odours and harmful gases
- Stage 4: The high-performance composite HEPA lter with anti-
bacterial coating effectively lters out ne dust and cigarette smoke,
while the antibacterial and anti-mould functions of organic antibacterial
materials lters out germs and mould.
A Air quality light ring
B Fan speed indicator (AC4074 only)
C Air quality sensor outlet
D Air quality sensor
E Air quality sensor inlet
F Handle
G Air outlet
H Air inlet
I Cord storage facility
J Mains cord