- When you choose a fan speed manually (see section ‘Fan speed’ in this
chapter). In this case, one of the FAN SPEED lights, the TIMER light and
one of the HOUR lights are on.
- In combination with the SLEEP mode (see section ‘Sleep mode’ in this
chapter). In this case, the SLEEP light and one of the HOUR lights are
on (but dimmed).
1 Presstheon/offbuttontoswitchontheappliance.
2 PresstheTIMERbuttontoactivatethetimer.
, TheTIMERlightgoeson.
3 PresstheTIMERbuttonrepeatedlytochoosethenumberofhours
, ThecorrespondingHOURlightgoeson.
To deactivate the timer function, press the TIMER button repeatedly until
the HOUR light and the TIMER light are out.
Sleep mode
When you use the appliance in sleep mode, it operates very quietly and all
the lights that are on are dimmed, to allow you to sleep undisturbed.
Note: When you use the sleep mode, you can also use the timer function (see
section ‘Timer function in this chapter). In this case, the SLEEP light and one of
the HOUR lights are on (but dimmed).
1 Presstheon/offbuttontoswitchontheappliance.
2 PresstheSLEEPbuttontoactivatethequietsleepmode.
, TheSLEEPlightgoeson.
, Allotherlightsareoff,exceptoneoftheHOURlightsifyouhave
If you want to go back to the fan speed mode or auto mode, simply press
the FAN SPEED or AUTO button. The sleep mode is then deactivated.