4-8 Testing the Monitor
The following table lists the equipment required for performance verification.
Equipment Description
Digital multimeter (DMM) Fluke model 87 or equivalent
Defib Sync Cable and
Switchcraft 3.5 mm phone plug
M4820A (see page 4-38 to use a substitute cable)
Switchcraft 750 or equivalent
adapter cable M1943A
reusable sensor, adult finger M1191A
ECG trunk cable M1540C (ICU, AAMI) or M1550C (ICU, IEC)
ECG electrodes Standard
ECG lead sets M1605A (AAMI) or M1615A (IEC)
NBP tubing M1599B
NBP reusable cuff, adult 40401C
Pulse oximeter tester Clinical Dynamics Corp - SmartSat simulator with
Nellcor simulator cable
ECG simulator Dynatech Nevada medSim 300 or equivalent
NBP simulator Bio-Tek BP Pump 2 or equivalent
Temperature simulator MedSim 300 or equivalent
Respiration simulator MedSim 300 or equivalent
Safety analyzer Bio-Tek 601 Pro or equivalent
Stopwatch Manual or electronic
Screwdriver flathead and philips
Tweezers any model
Electronic flowmeter M1026-60144
Cal 1 gas (5% CO
) 15210-64010
Cal 2 gas (10% CO
) 15210-64020
Cal gas flow regulator M2267A
Cal tube 13907A