
7" LCD 6.5" v.area 3:2 frame ratio
Specifications Product highlights
Effective viewing area: 137.16 x 91.44 mm
Resolution: viewing area resolution:720 x 480
Viewing angle: @ C/R > 10, 120º (H) / 110º (V)
Lifetime, to 50% brightness: 20000 hr
Brightness: 200 cd/m²
Aspect ratio: 3:2
Panel resolution: 800x480
Pixel density: 133 ppi
Contrast ratio (typical): 400:1
USB: To PC/Mac (USB 2.0)
Storage Media
Memory Card Types: Compact Flash type I, Secure
Digital (SD), Secure Digital (SDHC), Multimedia
Card, xD card, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro
Built-in memory capacity: 16MB Flash
Card Reader: Built-in (2x)
Photo format supported: JPEG photo, Up to 13
Megapixels, Up to 10MB JPEG files
Placement supported: Landscape, Portrait
Buttons and controls: 7 buttons
Playback mode: Full screen browse, Slideshow,
Thumbnail browse
Photo edit: Copy, Delete, Rotate
Photo effects: Black and White
Slideshow setting: Random, Sequential, Transition
Screen background: Black, White, Gray
Setup function: Brightness adjustment, Language,
Status, Auto on/off, Beep on/off, Set time and date,
Clock display enable/disable, Alarm
System status: Firmware version, Remaining
Connected media status: Connected media,
Remaining memory
Plug & Play Compatibility: Windows Vista,
Windows 2000/XP or later, Mac OS X
Regulatory Approvals: BSMI, C-Tick, CCC, CE,
On-Screen Display languages: English, Spanish,
German, French, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Russian,
Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Included Accessories: AC-DC Adapter, USB cable,
Stand, Quick start guide
Set dimensions (W x H x D): 159 x 207 x 28 mm
Set dimensions in inch (W x H x D):
x 8.15 x 1.1 inch
Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):
x 207 x 105 mm
Set dimensions with stand in inch (W x H x D):
x 8.15 x 4.13 inch
Weight: 0.34 kg
Set weight (lb): 0.75 lb
Temperature range (operation): 0°C to 40°C
Temperature range (storage): -10°C to 60°C
Power consumption: (System on) 4.9 W
Packaging dimensions
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 9.5 x 19 cm
Nett weight: .3 kg
Gross weight: 1.164 kg
Tare weight: .864 kg
Outer Carton
Outer carton (L x W x H): 50.3 x 30.5 x 28 cm
Nett weight: 1.8 kg
Gross weight: 7.5 kg
Tare weight: 5.7 kg
Issue date 2008-08-19
Version: 2.0.5
12 NC: 8670 000 38974
UPC: 6 09585 15346 2
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
High Pixel Density Display
The very best high density screen shows off your treasured
photos with the same 'real life' rich detail and vibrant colors
as high quality prints.
Rich, vibrant colors
Full color display brings out the best in your photos with
vibrant, real life colors by displaying the same full range of
colors found in professionally printed photos.
Quality design and materials
High quality design and exquisite materials include a solid
stylish stand, designer frame and detailed finishing that
convey an impression of value and refined taste, adding
luster to the photos displayed on PhotoFrame.
Multiple viewing modes
Flexible display modes give you the freedom to display your
photos one image at a time, in thumbnail mode for quick,
easy searches, or to create a slideshow of your most
treasured photos.
Easy USB connectivity
A USB connector is built into the device for easy and quick
downloading photos from a PC.
A timer turns PhotoFrame on and off at the hours you
select, reducing energy consumption for the sake of our
environment saving up to one third of your PhotoFrame
energy costs.