OEM Catalogue 2009/20103.106
HID-PrimaVision SON and CDO
Electrical installation notes
Mains operation
Rated mains voltage 220 - 240 V
With tolerances for performance
203 - 254 V
With tolerances for operation 180 - 264 V
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz
Power factor > 0.98
Earth leakage current < 0.5 mA per driver
Overvoltage protection 48 hrs at 325 Vac
2 hrs at 366 Vac
5 min. at 400 Vac
Lamp operation
Operation frequency (typical) 125 Hz
Ignition voltage 100/150W 3 - 4 kV
70W 2 - 2.5 kV
Cable capacity
SON Max. 1 nF
CDO Max. 200 pF
Air and creepage distance from any
(metal) part that may become live,
to earthed environment (class I) or
test finger (class II)
> 4 mm
1. With three-phase mains supply, neutral should never be
disconnected; otherwise circuitry could be damaged.
2. For proper EMC, wiring inside luminaire should be as straight and as
short as possible; mains wires should not run parallel to lamp wires.
3. Driver should be mounted in luminaire > min IP 23.
4. Thermo-protected circuit incorporates self-resetting facility; ignition
attempts stop after 7 min.; mains supply must be switched off and on
to reset driver.
5. Automatic restart after lamp replacement or voltage dip, lamp may
take up to 18 min. to restart.
6. Insulation resistance test: 500 Vdc from Line/Neutral to Earth (not
between Line and Neutral). Ensure that the Neutral is reconnected
again after abovementioned test is carried out and before the
installation is put into operation.
Inrush current
Conversion table for max. quantities of drivers on other types of
Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCB type Rating Relative number of
B 16 A 100% (see table
B 10 A 63%
C 16 A 170%
C 10 A 104%
L, I 16 A 108%
L, I 10 A 65%
G, U, II 16 A 212%
G, U, II 10 A 127%
K, III 16 A 254%
K, III 10 A 154%
(equal to 15 m cable of 2.5 mm
and other 20 m to the middle of the
power distribution), under worst case conditions. With an impedance
2. Measurements will be verified in real installations; therefore data are
subject to change.
3. In some cases the maximum number of drivers is not determined by
the MCB but by the maximum electrical load of the installation.
4. Note that the maximum number of drivers is given when these are
all switched on at the same moment, i.e. by a wall switch.
5. Measurements were carried out on single-pole MCB’s. For multi-
pole MCB’s it is advisable to reduce the number of drivers by 20%.
6. The maximum number of drivers which can be connected to one
Residual Current Detector of 30 mA is 30.
Mechanical installation notes
Wire cross-section:
On the mains side 0.75…2.5 mm
advised rating: Uo/U
= 250/250V
On the lamp side 0.75…2.5 mm
advised rating: Uo/U
= 250/250V
Strip length 6 mm