fter blocking specific channels there may come a time when you want to block or clear all the channels at the
same time. This can be done only after you have entered your access code and the AutoLock features are
displayed on the screen (refer to page 21).
Follow these steps for Digital Mode DlgitaJ Mode Analog Mode Follow these steps for Analog mode
Press CURSOR v to select
Block channel. Press the
CURSOR > button to
enter the Block Channel
Press CURSOR A or V
until All Channels
is highlighted. Press
CURSOR > or < to
toggle between Block and
Unblock. If Unblock is
selected, all channels will
be viewable. If Block is
selected, ALL available
channels will be blocked
from viewing.
When finished, press
MENU four times to exit
the menu.
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35 -1 MELCO
A V<> =
o Block Channnel
Setup Code
I v BI0ekAll
<_Movie Rating
o W Setir_
Iv _ Clear All
Iv _ Block All
"RM_T¢L"¢' SL"P _U'D'
vo_ cH
Press CURSOR > to
select either Clear All or
Block All.
If Clear All is set to on, all
channels will be viewable.
If Block All is set to on
all available channels will be
blocked from viewing.
When finished, press MENU
on the remote control four
times to exit the menu from
the TV screen.
lock Options allows you to block programs by ratings instead of channels. This can be done only after you have
entered your access code and AutoLock feature is displayed on the screen.
Note : To access this menu for both Digital and Analog Mode, follow the steps for Analog mode (Page 21).
Follow these steps for both Digital and Analog Mode Digital Mode Analog Mode
Press CURSOR ^ or v until you see Block
Options highlighted.
PressCURSOR ^ or V to displaythe Block
Options (Unrated, No Ratingor Blocking) menu.
Press CURSOR A or V until you see the
desired Option is highlighted. When highlighted,
each feature can be turned On or Off using
CURSOR > or < on the remote control.
When finished, press MENU four times to exit
the menu.
I AutoLock ]
o Setup Code Unrated
o ClearAll No rating
o Block All Blocking
o Movie Rating
o TV Rating
v Bbck Options
I v ..... I
Iv Unrated On I
I v NoRating On I
Iv Blocking On I
o Setup Code
o Clear All
<>Block All
o Movie Rating
<>TV Rating
r Block Options*l
No rating
PressA/D button on theremotecontrolto toggle
betweenDigital and Analog Mode.